Good Morning
Mood: Content
Music listening to: Forget Me Not by Patrice Rushin
How are you? I started this Sunday off at 5:15am looking in on Chris. Elise is still rocking and rolling this morning but she will be up and at it very soon to care for Chris. Any plans for today?
We are going out for breakfast with Mum to the "Village Inn" they have great pancakes and coffee. Later this evening we are going out to dinner with Mum, Paula and Marty. We are going to meet at Zemems for some Ethiopian fare and we love it there too!
As for me I have not been feeling well but am better today. Yesterday I was doing some yard work and I hurt my back lifting a overloaded trash can and it is still bothering me but is getting better. I am glad that I am not running to the (Loo) anymore that is for sure. Playing skip, skip , skip to my Loo was not any fun at all,smile. Hey the coffee is good this morning and I just downed a donut that Elise got for me along with it.
Well, I had better get myself together and get a move on. Here is what happened on our stay-cation. We had a very nice, restful time. Have a great day and be careful out there.
Tiger, Marcie, Jet, let's get things shaking.
Ross, Happy Birthday!!
Steph, how are you?
Liz, how are things?
Rosie, what is going on?
Loraine, have a good one.
Nancy and Ron, what is new?
Joe and Mary, how are you?
Flo and John, have a good day.
Jane and John, what is up?
Stay-cation in Tucson, AZ 17-19-Nov-10
We left home at around 2:00pm and the caregiver was here and Chris in a very good mood and was laughing up a storm that made the caregiver and Elise laugh along with him. I wasn't feeling well but the stay-cation was needed. We arrived at the Fairfield Inn and we checked in and went to our room. WE rested and we played video games on the laptop and listened to a book on tape and we had a few Jack and Cokes, bu you knew that right? We also worked on a crossword puzzle.
While we were playing the games we were consuming my famous Tuna Jalapeno dip with Frito's, with more Jack and Cokes. At around 5:00pm we went down for the social hour to see what they had to offer. They had wine, veggies, and chicken wings. Of course I had to grab a few of those and we took them back up to the room with us. We listened to the book on tape and we called it a day.
We were up at around 8:30am and we got showered and dressed. We took a walk for about 35 minutes or so. It was cool outside but not cold. We returned to the hotel and we went down for breakfast. Elise had oatmeal, yogurt and a banana. I had two Jimmy Dean sausage/egg biscuit and a chocolate muffin. We returned to the room and we just fooled around for a while. Elise did crossword puzzles and I checked my email.
At around 12:30pm we went to the Desert Diamond Casino. Elise got both of us a Jack and Coke so we could start playing the games off right, smile. We had fun playing the games and we came out ahead thanks to the game called "Boxcars" and "The Wizard of Oz". We spent $190.00 and we won $210.00., but when we exchanged our tickets for the cash we received $155.00 all in $5.00 bills, Oh NO!!! we were shocked by all of the 5's. The 5's are good for our next vacation in the fall. At 4:00pm we went to the restaurant in the casino for dinner. We shared a good bottle of red. We both ordered the prime rib, mashed potatoes mine had gravy on it, green beans, bread and of course fresh horseradish for the prime rib. Let me tell you it was fresh and it cleared our sinuses and had are eyes running, it was great!
After dinner we played the $1:00 slots like we always do when we go to the casino. I had $5.00 to play and I lost all of it. Elise played $3.00 and she won $27.00 and she quit. We tried a new slot that was there and it was loads of fun with great graphics and sounds. We are going to play that one again on our next trip to the casino. We headed back to the hotel and we stopped at a to get more Cokes, some ice cream for me and a Hershey's bar for Elise. Once back in the room we watched TV for a while and we listened to the book on tape before we called if a night.
19- Nov-10
We got up at around 8:30am and we took walk. We returned to our room and we packed up and loaded up the Tacoma. We checked out and we headed for Gus Balones for breakfast. Elise had the ham steak and eggs. I had toast, pork chops and eggs, and we had plenty of coffee. After breakfast we went home and we unpacked and checked on Chris. Then we went to the movies to see "Morning Glory" with Harrison Ford and Diane Keaton. I was pretty good but at times it lagged. We returned home and we chilled until we went to Oregano's for pizza, vino and a couple of Bellini's and they were great! It was a good stay-cation and very relaxing. Our next trip may be to Vegas so we can go over the new bridge at the Hoover Dam.
Last night we had a great evening with Jeff and Nancy. I was at the grill cooking up New York strips and T-Bones for dinner. We had salad,baked potatoes with the works, and green peas. We downed a bottle of red (Flying Fish Merlot) that is always a treat. We talked about what has been going on since we last saw each other and we talked about the new twin boys as well. We had ice cream for dessert and Nancy and Jeff sample some of the bourbon that we brought back from our Kentucky trip. It was good to see them and the evening was very nice.
Glad the Loo is not going to be your permanent residence.
Take care of that back.
Loraine, I too am very glad that I am not making those trips to the Loo as well. I was thinking about setting up a mailbox in there and a fridge.
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