Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Good Night Brrr!

Good Night

Well, it is still cold here in the Old Pueblo. I had to breakout the sweat shirts and pants a couple of days again. It is about 47 degrees right now and I am sure that it will get back down into the 20's tonight. How are you doing?

Elise, Chris and I took a short trip to Target to pick up a few things for the holiday. Chris loves to get out in his van and the cold does not bother him at all. We returned home and Elsie fixed breakfast for dinner. We had homemade waffles, sausages, and hot coffee that was great.

I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is playing bridge at her Mom's.I am still researching cruise lines for a Alaska cruise for next year. It has been a pretty relaxed day around here and that is a good thing. Well, I had better get back to work with Chris. Have a great evening.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet no snoring now, smile.

Jane, it was good to hear from you today.

Loraine, how are you feeling? See you on Friday evening.

Tuesday Brrrr!!

Good Morning

Mood: Cautious

Music listening to: Summertime by War

Brrrrr, brrrr not Raymond Burr. How are you? I started the day off at 5:35am caring for Chris. Elise is still chopping logs and that is a good thing because it is cold outside this morning. Any plans for today?

I am going to try to not get into anything today that involves going outside at least until it warms up a bit. The coffee is good and hot and that is a blessing this morning and now I am thinking oatmeal, smile.

Well, I had better get busy with Chris. Angelica will be here shortly to take over for me. Have a great day.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet let's go.

Steph, how are you doing?

Flo and John, what are you up to?

Jane and John, are you cold yet?

Rosie, have a good day.

Sis, I need your new address in the (A).

Monday, November 29, 2010

Good NIght

Good Night,

The day has come to a cold close and the temps will drop even further tonight. How was you day? Chris and I rested up pretty much all day after I returned from running my errands. We watched a little TV and we listened to music.

After Elise returned home we had dinner and we watched a two episodes of Mash on DVD. We had soup that really hits the spot on a cold night.I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is playing bridge at her Mom's. May have to break out a blanket or two so we can warm up a bit.

We are looking into planning a cruise to Alaska for July of next year for 7 days. It looks promising but it will require so good steadfast planning on our part. Well you have a good night and sleep well.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet no snoring now!

Ross, congrats on the new car.

Brrrr! It's A Monday!

Good Morning


Music listening to: Brickhouse by the Commodores

Heat Me Up Scotty! How are you? I started the day off a 5:40am caring for Chris. Elise is curled up into a ball and she is rolling away, but she will hit the wall and start her day very soon. Yes, it is a Monday so beware.

It is a cold 30 degrees this morning and the dogs are glad to be inside with Chris and I. It is supposed to get down into the middle 20's tomorrow night. Any plans for today? I am on my second cup of coffee and it is hitting the spot nicely.

We had a wonderful breakfast out with Mum yesterday and the food was very good at the Hometown Buffet. Mum loaded up on her sweet rolls, smile. Elise, Chris and I watched Marmaduke on DVD yesterday and it was pretty good and Chris loved it. After Rosemary arrived to care for Chris we went to the Loft to see the third movie in the series of the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. This one was called "The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets Nest" and we enjoyed it. It was not as much action as the previous two movies but it still had us on the edge of our seats. Elise read the book and she said that the movie followed the book very well. We are now anticipating the next movie in the series to come out. We recommend it highly.

I have a few errands to run this morning so I had better get this Monday rolling. Have a good day and stay safe and happy.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet let's get busy.

Mary and Bob, what are you up to?

Ross, did you get the Christmas decorations up?

Joe and Mary,how are you?

Flo and John, have a good one.

Sis,how are things in your new digs in the (A)?

Rosie, how are you?

Herman, how are things going in St. Louis?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Good Morning

Good Morning

Mood: Still Stuffed (Gobble, gobble!)

Music listening to: Night Ship by the Commodores

Burp!, Burp! Gobble! How are you this morning? I started the day off at 5:20am looking in on Chris. Elise is flying around on turkey wings but she will hit the ground running soon because she will be caring for Chris this morning. Hey the coffee is good and I am on my way for a second cup.

We are going out for breakfast with Mum this morning to the Hometown Buffet her favorite place for sweet rolls. Elise and I watched the Expendables on DVD yesterday and it was very good, and with plenty of blood and guts. Yes!! We are going to see the latest in the series of the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. We hope that this one is as good as the first two.

Over the weekend our Wildcat football team got beat badly by Oregon, but our Wildcat basketball won in Vegas, Go Cats! We had a very nice Thanksgiving here on Friday and all of the family was here except Jesse and JT. JT was visiting his Mom.

The food was excellent let me tell you. The turkey was a 22 pounder and after we snatched, clawed over it, it was down to the bone. We had mashed potatoes, dressing, cranberries, green beans, gravy, dinner rolls, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, vino red and white. We didn't take many photos because we were really getting at it. We ate later than what we had planned because everyone had not arrived and I was being a pest about that due to what happened last year. It was a great Thanksgiving. The photos show Jonny dealing with a drumstick that was as big as he is, smile.

Last night we all meet at Cody's Beef and Bean and we had dinner together there. We all got the T-Bone special except for Jonny and Mum they got the chicken fingers and Erik got the French Dip. We had plenty leftover for Rosemary to enjoy when we got back home. Of course Mum got her ice cream with chocolate sauce and her steaming hot coffee. We returned home and Elise called it game over and I checked on Chris after Rosemary left for the evening. Elise and I are going to start our Wii Fit program on 1 December 10 to get all of this turkey off of us.

Well, I had better check on Chris. Have a wonderful Sunday and rest,relax because you know what tomorrow is right?


Tiger, Marcie, Jet, wake up!

Jane and John, what is going on for you today?

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Good Morning

Good Morning

Mood: Disappointed

Music listening to: Turn Your Love Around by George Benson

How are you this morning? I started the day off at 5:20am looking in on Chris and getting him settled. Elise will be caring for Chris this morning as soon as her engine stopped purring, no sputs or sputtering this morning, smile. Any plans for today?

I have a couple of errands to take care of this morning and that is about it so far. I will give more info on our Thanksgiving dinner that we had last night a little later in the day. Hey,the coffee is good and I am thinking about a turkey sandwich with hot gravy over it, I love that.

Well, I had better get busy. Have a good Saturday and say safe.


Tiger,Marcie, Jet let's get a move on.

Ross, have a good one and enjoy that new car.

Jane and John, what is up?

Sis, wow what a spread you had for turkey day. Now that is eating, smile. Have a good weekend in the ( A).

Friday, November 26, 2010


Good Morning

Mood: Cautious

Music listening to: Just Got Paid by Johnny Kemp

TGIF!! (Turkey Gravy Is Fantastic) How are you this morning? Can you walk or do you wobble? I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise is still gobbling this morning but she will be strutting her stuff soon. I have to tell you that the coffee is great this morning and I am going for as many cups as I can handle this morning.

Elise, Chris and I had a great dinner last night at Dena and Bucky's home. We had the works and it was delicious. Dena prepared a dressing that was legendary, yes it was just that good. Of course we downed a few glasses of vino, don't you know, smile. I was a very nice evening until the talk veered to politics and then the turkey started to hit the fan. Dena came to the rescue and she changed the subject right on time.

We will be having our Thanksgiving dinner today here at our home. There will be around 11 or 12 family members here with appetites. It should be interesting to say the least. I am going to just sit back and observe while I am chowing down on a turkey wing, smile. I have to go to my office this afternoon and maybe everyone can wait until I return before they dig in. I am the only one who had started the day at 5:00am I am sure of that.

Well, I had better get busy with Chris. Rosemary will be here this morning to care for Chris. With her being here it gives me a chance to help Elise get the dining room set up for dinner. We hope that your gobbler was a good one? Stay safe and enjoy the day.


Tiger,Marcie, Jet can you say turkey sandwich?

Mary and Bob, thanks for your post to our blog. Have a great day and a great weekend.

Ross, you guys have a good weekend.

Erika, you guys have a great day and a safe weekend.

Jane and John, have a good one.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Good Morning

Mood: Cautious

Music listening to: Hotel Motel

Happy Thanksgiving All. I started the day off at 5:25am caring for Chris. Elise is dreaming of turkey drumsticks, gravy and the like. She will be up and at it very soon. The coffee is very good this morning and a sausage/egg biscuit is in sight.

We want to wish everyone a safe and happy Turkey Day. We will celebrate it tomorrow here due to the fact that two of the family members have to work today, so tomorrow everyone will gather up. It is a work day for me tomorrow and I have to go to my office in the afternoon, so I hope that the family will wait on me to return. This happened last year and it was a SNAFU that did not set well with me at all, but we will see how it goes this year.

Elise and I went to the movies yesterday to see "Unstoppable" and it was great. It kept you on the edge of your seat with all of the action. It was based on a true story. Well, I had better get busy. Enjoy the day and keep in mind what the day is about and reflect on that.

Be Blessed.............

Tiger, Marcie, Jet, enjoy the day.

Herman, give our best to the family and enjoy.

Mary and Bob, it was great to hear from you by your post on our blog. You guys enjoy the day and you take it easy with your back.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hump Day!!

Good Morning

Mood: Concerned

Music listening to: She's A Bad Mamma Jamma by Carl Carlton

It is another Hump Day, smile! I started the day off at 5:20am. I was awakened by Elise's engine purring this morning. All of a sudden she shifted into another gear and she grinded the gear and she stalled. She quickly got into the right gear and she was running smoothly again. Smile!

Any plans for today? We may go to the movies this afternoon after Rosemary arrives to care for Chris. How are you doing on getting ready for the Thanksgiving meal? The coffee is good and hot this morning and I can see a second cup rounding the bend.

Well, I had better get busy with Chris and then I will get the dogs fed. Have a good Hump Day and stay safe.


Tiger,Marcie, Jet,have a good one. Tiger stay safe on the road.

Ross, how are things?

Herman, what are you guys having for Thanksgiving dinner?

Sis, have a good day in the (A).

Rosie, how are you doing?

Mary and Bob, what is new?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Good Night

Good Night

Another day has come to a close. Angelica cared for Chris this morning and she did a good job until she had a small problem with the transfer from his bed to his chair. Good thing I was around to help her out. Some of the tasks that need to be done takes time to master.

I played a few games of Wii this afternoon and Chris enjoyed laughing at me while I played. Elise prepared breakfast for dinner that was great. We had french toast, sausages, and hot coffee. We also watched a DVD with Chris called"Scott Pilgrim" it was different but it was good.

I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is playing bridge at her Mom's. Well I had better get busy. Have a great evening and a great Hump Day tomorrow.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet sleep well.

Loraine, no I am not going to be the chef. Elise's sister's son is going to do the honors of making sure that we are all well feed.

Ross, good to hear from you. Take it slow and easy getting back into the swing of things.

Tuesday Right?

Good Morning

Mood: Frisky

Music listening to: My,My,My by Johnny Gill (classic R&B)

How are you? I started the day off at 5:10am caring for Chris. Elise is trying to get her engine turned over this morning but she is starting to purr. Any plans for today? The coffee is good this morning and once again I am thinking about another sausage/egg biscuit this morning.

Angelica will be here this morning to care for Chris. It is a cold morning here in the Old Pueblo but it will creep up slowly into he 60's for a high. I may play a few more Wii games today while Angelica is here to care for Chris. I need to run out to the casino to pick up my perks for this week. I have until Saturday to get them.

Are you prepared for the Thanksgiving holiday? What is on your menu? Well,I had better get busy and grab another cup of coffee. Have a wonderful day.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet let's wake up sisters.

Ross, always good to hear from you. How is everyone?

Liz, how are things?

Rosie, what are you up to?

Loraine, what are you doing today?

Jane, take it slow and easy today.

Herman, what are your plans for Thanksgiving Day?

Sis, did you get all moved in? How is the weather in GA?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday is Over!

Good Night

Well, Monday has just about ended and it has not been too bad, eh? I got my errands taken care of this morning and that sausage/egg biscuit was great with my coffee. Chris and I relaxed most of the day, will after we took a nice walk around the area.

Chris laughed at me while I played Wii and yes I lost just about every game. I bought a wireless mouse for our laptop and it works pretty good I must say. Elise has been gone most to the day running errands for herself and for her Mom.

Elise fixed some good soup for dinner, and we had tomatoes, red peppers and I had a cheese toast sandwich. We got it all down with root beer,smile. I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is playing bridge at her Mom's. Well, I had better get back to Chris. Have a great night and sleep well.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet, have a good evening.

Loraine, sleep well.

Jane and John, rest up!


Good Morning

Mood: Blissful

Music listening to: Working My Way Back To You by the Spinners

Beware it is another Monday! I started the day off at 5:10am caring for Chris. Elise is still playing leap frog this morning with sheep but she will be taking her last jump soon to start her day. Hey, the coffee is good this morning and I am looking at a Jimmy Dean sausage and egg biscuit, yes I am! Any plans for today?

I have to run out to the airbase this morning and that is about it for me, remember it is a Monday and I take it nice and easy, smile. I am feeling much better today but I think Elise may be coming down with what I had over the past few days. I hope not, it is not pretty.

Well, our Wildcats won their basketball game yesterday by a huge margin. We enjoyed our dinner out last night with Mum, Paula and Marty. The food was excellent and we downed two bottles of red that was very good. Even Mum asked to have her glass refilled a couple of times so that means she really enjoyed it.

Well, I had better get busy and get Chris's day started. Have a good day even though it is a Monday.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a good one.

Ross, how was your birthday?

Jane and John, have a great day.

Joe and Mary, what is new?

Steph, how are things?

Flo and John, stay safe.

Sis, have a good week in the (A).

Rosie,what are you up to?

Erika, stay warm in Germany.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Good Morning

Mood: Content

Music listening to: Forget Me Not by Patrice Rushin

How are you? I started this Sunday off at 5:15am looking in on Chris. Elise is still rocking and rolling this morning but she will be up and at it very soon to care for Chris. Any plans for today?

We are going out for breakfast with Mum to the "Village Inn" they have great pancakes and coffee. Later this evening we are going out to dinner with Mum, Paula and Marty. We are going to meet at Zemems for some Ethiopian fare and we love it there too!

As for me I have not been feeling well but am better today. Yesterday I was doing some yard work and I hurt my back lifting a overloaded trash can and it is still bothering me but is getting better. I am glad that I am not running to the (Loo) anymore that is for sure. Playing skip, skip , skip to my Loo was not any fun at all,smile. Hey the coffee is good this morning and I just downed a donut that Elise got for me along with it.

Well, I had better get myself together and get a move on. Here is what happened on our stay-cation. We had a very nice, restful time. Have a great day and be careful out there.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet, let's get things shaking.

Ross, Happy Birthday!!

Steph, how are you?

Liz, how are things?

Rosie, what is going on?

Loraine, have a good one.

Nancy and Ron, what is new?

Joe and Mary, how are you?

Flo and John, have a good day.

Jane and John, what is up?

Stay-cation in Tucson, AZ 17-19-Nov-10


We left home at around 2:00pm and the caregiver was here and Chris in a very good mood and was laughing up a storm that made the caregiver and Elise laugh along with him. I wasn't feeling well but the stay-cation was needed. We arrived at the Fairfield Inn and we checked in and went to our room. WE rested and we played video games on the laptop and listened to a book on tape and we had a few Jack and Cokes, bu you knew that right? We also worked on a crossword puzzle.

While we were playing the games we were consuming my famous Tuna Jalapeno dip with Frito's, with more Jack and Cokes. At around 5:00pm we went down for the social hour to see what they had to offer. They had wine, veggies, and chicken wings. Of course I had to grab a few of those and we took them back up to the room with us. We listened to the book on tape and we called it a day.


We were up at around 8:30am and we got showered and dressed. We took a walk for about 35 minutes or so. It was cool outside but not cold. We returned to the hotel and we went down for breakfast. Elise had oatmeal, yogurt and a banana. I had two Jimmy Dean sausage/egg biscuit and a chocolate muffin. We returned to the room and we just fooled around for a while. Elise did crossword puzzles and I checked my email.

At around 12:30pm we went to the Desert Diamond Casino. Elise got both of us a Jack and Coke so we could start playing the games off right, smile. We had fun playing the games and we came out ahead thanks to the game called "Boxcars" and "The Wizard of Oz". We spent $190.00 and we won $210.00., but when we exchanged our tickets for the cash we received $155.00 all in $5.00 bills, Oh NO!!! we were shocked by all of the 5's. The 5's are good for our next vacation in the fall. At 4:00pm we went to the restaurant in the casino for dinner. We shared a good bottle of red. We both ordered the prime rib, mashed potatoes mine had gravy on it, green beans, bread and of course fresh horseradish for the prime rib. Let me tell you it was fresh and it cleared our sinuses and had are eyes running, it was great!

After dinner we played the $1:00 slots like we always do when we go to the casino. I had $5.00 to play and I lost all of it. Elise played $3.00 and she won $27.00 and she quit. We tried a new slot that was there and it was loads of fun with great graphics and sounds. We are going to play that one again on our next trip to the casino. We headed back to the hotel and we stopped at a to get more Cokes, some ice cream for me and a Hershey's bar for Elise. Once back in the room we watched TV for a while and we listened to the book on tape before we called if a night.

19- Nov-10

We got up at around 8:30am and we took walk. We returned to our room and we packed up and loaded up the Tacoma. We checked out and we headed for Gus Balones for breakfast. Elise had the ham steak and eggs. I had toast, pork chops and eggs, and we had plenty of coffee. After breakfast we went home and we unpacked and checked on Chris. Then we went to the movies to see "Morning Glory" with Harrison Ford and Diane Keaton. I was pretty good but at times it lagged. We returned home and we chilled until we went to Oregano's for pizza, vino and a couple of Bellini's and they were great! It was a good stay-cation and very relaxing. Our next trip may be to Vegas so we can go over the new bridge at the Hoover Dam.

Last night we had a great evening with Jeff and Nancy. I was at the grill cooking up New York strips and T-Bones for dinner. We had salad,baked potatoes with the works, and green peas. We downed a bottle of red (Flying Fish Merlot) that is always a treat. We talked about what has been going on since we last saw each other and we talked about the new twin boys as well. We had ice cream for dessert and Nancy and Jeff sample some of the bourbon that we brought back from our Kentucky trip. It was good to see them and the evening was very nice.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hump Day!

Good Morning

Mood: Under the Weather

Music listening to: Toilet Bowl Blues

Hump Day!! How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:20am caring for Chris. Elise is still tripping the light fantastic this morning but she will touch down soon and start her day. Any plans?

I am still not feeling well this morning. I have aches and lower back pain and I have set up a zip code in the bathroom complete with a mailbox. I tell you I feel like I just visited a third world country and I drunk the water, smile. I believe that this is a virus that is going around, so I will let it take it's course and the direction usually ends up in my new zip code area!

Angelica will be here this morning to care for Chris and at that time I will pack my suitcase for our stay-cation here in Tucson. It is a cool 46 degrees out this morning and it is supposed to hit the 70's today. The coffee is good this morning and I am not even thinking about trying to eat anything yet.

Well, I had better get busy with Chris and get him settled for Angelica. Have a great Hump Day and be careful out there.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a wonderful day.

Herman, we will give you a call from the Fairfield Inn this afternoon.

Flo, thank you for the info about the projects.

Liz, how are you?

Rosie, what is new?

Shoo Shoo, have a good one.

Jane and John, let's get busy.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Good Night

Good Night

Well the day has come to a close. Chris is doing well and Angelica ran into a few problems today working with Chris but she will get the routine as time goes by. Elise prepared breakfast for dinner this evening and it was good. We had pancakes sausages, eggs and hot coffee.

I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is playing bridge at her Mom's. Well, I had better get back to Chris and get him settled for the evening. Afterwards I am going to hit the sheets early due to I am not feeling that well this evening. Have a good night and sleep well. Lookout tomorrow is a Hump Day!


Tiger, Marcie, Jet, sleep well.

Herman, it was good to talk to you today. Call you tomorrow.

JT, Shaina asked me to say hello to you. She has a baby boy named Joshua and I am his great uncle.

Loraine, always good to hear from you. Glad that your trip went well.

Howdy Y'hall!!

How are things going so far for a Tuesday? Well, I got my errands taken care of and Angelica is here caring for Chris. I just returned from taking a few pic of the "Garden District" mural that has just been done over on Columbus St off of Pima. Many neighbors helped to make this possible to include my Elise. It is well done and it really brightens up our hood.

Enjoy the pics.


Howdy Y'hall!!


Good Morning

Mood: Chillin'

Music listening to: I've Been Thinking About You

What's up? I started the day off at 5:10am caring for Chris. Well, Elise is still slow dragging this morning but she will be up and doing a two-step to get her day started. Any plans for today?

The coffee is good this morning and I am thinking about some eggs with cheese on toast. I have a few errands to run this morning and I will get them done as soon as Angelica arrives to care for Chris.

We have a new mural in our neighborhood that was done by a local artist and some of the residents help to paint it in, to include my Elise. I am going to take a photo of it today and I will post it on our blog. It is very well done and there is is lot of talent within our little oasis in the desert of Tucson.

I talked with my brother Herman yesterday and he will be rechecking our reservation for the Fairfield Inn Airport for our upcoming stay-cation. I am going to make up some of my famous tuna dip to take along with us on the stay-cation. I will prepare it today so it will sit overnight in soak up those jalapenos. Hmmmm, it's good with Frito Scoops.

Well, I had better hop to it and get this day moving forward. Have a wonderful Tuesday and stay safe and happy.


Jeanne, we miss you.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet what is up for today?

Loraine, how did your trip go?

Shoo Shoo, have a good one.

Jane and John, how are you?

Flo,what is new around your way?

Joe and Mary, what is up?

Sis, have a good day. It is getting close to moving day for you,eh?

Herman, we will give you a call after we check in tomorrow afternoon at the Fairfield Inn.

Mary and Bob, how are you?

Rosie, how are things down under?

Monday, November 15, 2010



It's a Monday and Chris and I are taking it slow and easy. How about you? Well, here is a bit about our stay-cation to Tempe/Phoenix, AZ over the weekend.

13 Nov 10

We left Tucson at around 2:00pm. We stopped at the Forum to pick up Elise's Mom and to drop off a few items that Elise had gotten for her from the store. While we were dropping things off Elise changed her hearing aid batteries.

We had a uneventful drive to Tempe. We listened to a book on that I paid $1.00 for and it's pretty damn good! Elise's Mom is going to be pissed again because she will start listening to the book on this trip and she'll not hear the rest of the story!! (Where is Paul Harvey when you need him!)

We are now in our room having settled Mum into the room next door. She is taking a nap. Naps are a given when you are 95 years and counting, you take a lot of naps. We are kicking back and throwing back a few Jack and Cokes. We are waiting for Ann and Johnathan to arrive. No telling when that will be, but we hope that it will be soon.

Ann and Jonny arrived at around 6:00pm and Sara was on her way over. We called Picasso's Pizza and asked if we could show up at 6:30pm instead of our set reservation time of 7:00pm and they said yes. Zack and Sara arrived at the hotel and we left for pizza in two cars. Sara's Jesse was going to meet us there. Of course, since things never run a smooth course, once we got to the restaurant we found out that our table for eight had been given away to someone else. They rectified the error quickly and later we got a free dessert due to their mistake. Cool, eh?

We all sat down and Jesse and Zack,not me (Jessie) were intrigued with his a cell phone rather than paying more attention to his son Jonny. So Jonny get busy by drawing pictures. We talked and ordered a good red. It was very pleasant.

Elise ordered a gluten free pesto pizza with chicken and goat cheese on it. She shared it with Sara who also has a gluten allergy. I ordered hot wings and Jonny ate three of them. I also ordered a pepperoni pizza. Mum ordered a pepperoni pizza and a salad. Jonny ordered a kids pizza and he also ate two slices of my pizza has well. He had played a game of soccer earlier in the day so he was a bit hungry.

After dinner we returned to our hotel rooms and Mum got settled in. Then Elise and I had a few more Jack and Cokes and then we called it a night. Oh I had two more pieces along with my Jack that was left over from Picasso's. We woke up several times during the night due to the previous occupants of the room at set it. Mum had the same thing happened to her in er room as well, so she did not sleep well and she was in a bit of pain all through the night.

14- Nov 10

Elise went to see it Ann and Jonny were going to go for breakfast and come to find out they had already went. So Elise,Mum and I went to a place called"Five and Diner" and we ate breakfast there and it was pretty good. Ann and Jonny joined us but they did not eat anything more. We returned to our room and we packed and we checked out. We made a stop at Mum's bank so she could get some cash. We arrived at Jody's home and (Jody is the birthday girl who just turned 90), and it was good to see her. She looked good , but see told us about here just getting out of the hospital a few days ago due to having some heart problems.

The party progressed and it was a very good crowd and that was great. I only knew a few of the people there, but it was a fun visit. We said our goodbyes and we headed for Tucson. We arrived in Tucson at around 5:30pm and we dropped Mum off at her home. We got home and we checked on Chris and Rosemary all is fine.

Elise prepared butter beans and cornbread for dinner and it was great along with a few rum and cokes to take to edge off of the drive from Phoenix/Tempe. We watched a DVD called"Tenderness" with Russell Crowe and it was very good with a lot of twists and turns and surprises. After the movie Elise called it a night and I checked on Chris after Rosemary left for the night. I too called it a game over. It was a good a day and a very nice weekend. We are now planning our next stay-cation at the Fairfield Inn at the Airport, thanks once again to my brother Herman and those great rates.


Jeanne, we miss you.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a great evening.

Shoo Shoo, how are things?

Loraine, behave now!

Herman , thank you for making our trip to Tempe a good one.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Good Morning

Mood: Chilly

Music listening to: Shine by Boney James

What's up? I started the day off at 5:10am looking in on Chris. Elise is working on her second log cabin but she will be up and caring for Chris soon. It is a cool 40 degrees here in the Old Pueblo. Can you say long-sleeves? Any plans for the weekend?

I am just about all packed for our stay-cation. We will be leaving at about 1:00pm headed to Phoenix and Tempe. It should be an interesting stay, I am going to relax as much as I can. We will have our laptop so we can see what is going online and we will play a few games as well.

Elise and I had a very nice dinner at "The Garland". We shared a bottle of red that was OK but it had a lot of sediment and way too many tannins. Elise had a huge salad with, all kinds of items on it to include tofu. I had a salad and chicken over linguine, with sun dried tomatoes, artichoke hearts, in a mornay sauce. It was very good.

After dinner we went to Invisible Theatre to see a play called "2 Across" it was very good. It was about a couple who meet on the Bart in San Francisco and through the New York Times crossword puzzle they developed a relationship. It was excellent! Well, I had better get busy and finish packing. Have a good day and be careful out there.


Jeanne, we miss you.

Tiger,Marcie, Jet have a good day. Jet, get all of the rest that you need.

Herman, we will give you call as soon as we check in at the TownePlace in Tempe.

Shoo Shoo, take care.

Flo and John, relax this weekend but enjoy!

Monna, have a good day.

Joe and Mary, stay safe.

Ross, have a good weekend.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Good Morning

Mood: Frisky!!

Music listening to: Close The Door by Teddy Pendergrass

TGIF! How are you? I started they day off at 5:20am caring for Chris. Elise is still star-gazing this morning but as soon as she sees that comet heading her way see will be earth bound and ready to roll. Any plans for today?

I have to run to my office this morning and Elise is hosting a marathon bridge session here today. After Marv arrives this evening to care for Chris we are going to have dinner at a place called the "Garland" we have not been there in ages. After dinner we are going to the Invisible Theatre to see a play that should be very interesting and funny.

Sometime today we will pack up for our stay-cation in Tempe, thanks to my brother Herman. Well, I had better get back to Chris. Have a good Friday and a great weekend.


Jeanne, we miss you.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a good one.

Ross, good to hear that the weather has changed for the better.

Herman, thank you again, we will call you tomorrow from Tempe.

Jane, what is up?

Shoo Shoo, behave yourself.

Monna, have a great weekend guys.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Good Night

Good Night

Another day has ended and I hope that yours was a good one? Elise and I went to the movies to see "Due Date" and it was hilarious, a very dark comedy. We returned home and we rested a bit before we left out for dinner.

We had dinner at the "Outback" and the food was great, and Mum enjoyed herself a lot. Mum had fried shrimp and half of a baked potato. She also had ice cream with chocolate syrup on it. She asked for a small but she was given a large at the price of a small. Elise had a filet with lobster, baked potato, and a salad. I had a sirloin with lobster, baked potato, and very good chicken wings. Elise and I had a couple of glasses of red that was pretty good. For dessert we shared a Walla bee Darn that was great. It was a very good evening.

We returned home and I relieved Rosemary for the evening. I checked on Chris and we called it a night. Tomorrow is TGIF and we are looking forward to the weekend in Tempe and Phoenix. Have a good night.

Chin chin.

Jeanne, we miss you.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet sleep well my sisters.

Herman, thank you again for making our upcoming stay-cation a good one. We will give you a call when we check in on Saturday evening.

Morning Vet's Day!!

Good Morning

Mood: Relaxed

Music listening to: Tonight Is The Night by Betty Wright

Thank A Veteran Today! How are you? I started the day of at 5:15am caring for Chris. Elise is rolling, rolling on a river this morning but she will docked soon and starting her day. Any plans?

Elise and I sent out to the casino yesterday and we had a good time, but we did not have much luck but it was fun. We are going to go to the movies this afternoon after Rosemary arrives to care for Chris. Angelica will be caring for Chris this morning. Chris and Elise both will be getting a massage this morning when Pam arrives.

We are also going to go out for dinner with Mum to the Outback. The steak and lobster special is back and we love it. Also they are giving Vets a free beverage and a blooming onion for Veterans Day. I am sure that Elise and I will be have a Bellini for desert. It is a cool 41 degrees this morning and Porkchop is on the chair in Chris's room keeping him company.

Well, I had better get to it. Have a good day and stay safe. To all of my comrades in arms reflect on what Veteran's Day means to us and to everyone. Freedom is not free.


Jeanne, we miss you.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet enjoy your day.

Herman, thank you so very much for getting us those great rates at the Marriott properties. We are really grateful. I will give you a call this evening to see if you have sent the authorizations to the hotels.

Ross, how are things?

Jane and John, how goes it?

Mary and Bob, what is new around your way.

Flo and John, have a good day.

Shoo Shoo,have a great day.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hump Day!!

Good Morning

Mood: Happy but cautious

Music listening to: Living in America by James Brown

Happy Hump Day! I started the day off at 5:15am but I was awake at 4:10am. I am caring for Chris and getting his day started. Elise is sawing major logs this morning and by the time she awakes we will have a new log cabin in the backyard, smile. Any plans for today?

The coffee is excellent this morning and I am looking forward to another cup soon. I have to run a few errands this morning but other than that it should be a uneventful Hump Day. I do need to run out to the casino to pick up my perks before they expire. Maybe I can get that done today(777), cha ching!

Well, I had better get to it.It is a cool 41 degrees this morning and the are knocking at the door to get in. Have a good Hump Day!


Jeanne, we miss you.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a good one.

Herman, is everything OK in St. Louis?

Liz, have a safe trip.

Shoo Shoo, what are you up to today?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Good Night

Good Night

Well, it has been a pretty good day. How was yours? I got a little yard work done this morning while Angelica was here caring for Chris. She did pretty good, but she had a few problems but she will get better with practice.

Elise, Chris and I watched a very good DVD about a Hawaiian princess back in 1889. It was very good. Elise prepared breakfast for dinner that was great. We had pancakes, sausages, and hot coffee, yes we did.

I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is playing bridge at her Mom's. It has been a good day. Well, I had better get back to work. Have a great day tomorrow, it's another Hump Day!


Jeanne, we miss you.

Herman, we resent the info about the stay-cation.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet, sleep well.

Loraine, the coffee maker is great!

Sis, thank you for the latest pic of Joshua.

JT, what happened at ASU?


Good Morning

Mood: Happy

Music listening to: Neither One Of Us by Gladys Knight and the Pips (classic R&B)

I raise my coffee cup to you this morning! How are you? I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise is still riding that train to the Grand Canyon and the train whistle is blowing full steam. She will reach her destination soon and she will begin her day. Any plans for today?

Angelica will be here this morning to care for Chris by herself. I will be around if she needs any help. Tomorrow I will start to think about what I am going to pack for our stay-cation in Phoenix over the weekend. No real plans for today and that is a plus.

Have a good day and be careful out there.


Jeanne, we miss you.

Tiger,Marcie, Jet what is for breakfast?

Jane and John, have a good day.

Liz, how are you?

Joe and Mary, anything new around your way?

Ross, have a great day. Give a shout out to Denise for us.

Shoo Shoo, stay safe.

Herman, did you get our emails and phone calls about our stay-cation?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday Ends!!

Good Night

The day is just about over and a crisis was diverted that is for sure. It was touch and go for a while there, smile. The aroma of fresh coffee will again be present in the house again.

Chris and I relaxed after I go a few cups of coffee in me. We sat out on the front porch to people watch and I got a little reading in. I hope that you day went well?

Elise prepared a very nice soup for dinner with a great cheese sandwich, tomatoes and carrots. We got it all down with ice cold root beer. What a Monday this has been. Well, I had better get back to Chris. Have a good night and a better tomorrow.


Jeanne, we miss you.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet sleep well.

Ross, good to hear from you today.

JT, what happened at ASU?

Jane and John, have a good evening.

Monna, enjoy the family when they get here.


Buongiorno! Mood: Content! Music listening to:  Serpentine a Book on CD! Buon Domenica!  How are you doing? It is a cold, clear morning here...