Monday, January 25, 2021

Buona Sera!

Buona Sera!

Did you get rained on today? It has been a lazy day around here and we don't get many of those. It is still raining a bit and it is cold outside as well.

Chris and Elise enjoyed there massages today. I am caring for Chris tonight and mio moglie is in the main house working on a Covid puzzle while listening to the news.

We enjoyed grill cheese sandwiches for dinner with baby carrots. It was all good. We watched "Ozarks" with Chris. I completed my rock today and here it is. Enjoy! I will be begin another one tomorrow.


I will be taking the "Green Lady" in for a service in the morning. While I am out I will pick up what I need for Wednesdays dinner.

Have a good night's sleep and get ready for Taco Tuesday. I will chat at you later.

Buona Notte.....Jessie and Elise. 


Jessie said...

Buona Notte fidanzata. Dormi bene.

Loraine said...

Potrebbe nevicare. Stai al caldo.


Ciao! Hey, how is your "Humper" going so far? I slept better than I did the night before, but my sleep is still not the same. I wa...