Sunday, March 29, 2015



How are things going? It is going well here in central Tucson. The weather is perfect right now, a bit warm but a nice breeze is gently blowing.

Elise and I had a very nice breakfast with Paula and Marty at "Teresa's Mosaic". The food was as good as  ever and the endless coffee cup is always a plus.

It was good to see Paula and Marty and it was good to see that they are doing well. They are one of the smartest couples that we know and we always come away knowing something that we did not know. Thank you guys.

Elise is caring for Chris and she will be giving him a bio-feedback treatment soon. I just finished up some yard work behind Chris's house. I also replenished Chris's supplies in his room. I do this every Sunday and I print out his care lists for the upcoming week as well.

The movie that my playmate and I are going to see it called "It Follows". It is showing at the "Loft" and it is a horror movie. I haven't seen one of these in quite awhile. It should be hilarious for me but not so much for Elise, smile!

Well, we hope that things are going your way today? If not sit back and ponder, regroup, and take action.
Later...Jessie and Elise

1 comment:

Loraine said...

I'll be interested in your take on It Follows. It got great reviews.


Ciao! How are you doing? We are good here in windy, rainless Tucson. We just got back from Park Place Mall seeing the movie "Last Breat...