Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Good Night!

Good Night

Another day has ended and it has been a productive one. I finished my 15th lecture in my Psychology class and I am ready for the 16th lecture. I want to thank everyone who help me with the questions that I presented from the class. You helped me so very much. There are no right or wrong answers,it is designed to bring out different attitudes and to show how cultures differ. I will discuss your answer with the class and rest assured that no names will be given. We will just compare answers to see the vast differences.

Elise and I played tennis today on the Wii while Chris watched and laughed at us. I kicked butt and I liked it, smile! Elise prepared breakfast for dinner this evening. We had homemade blueberry pancakes, turkey links, and eggs. It was great!

I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is working on Genealogy. It has been a pretty good day. I hope that Lampchop does not keep me awake again tonight. I know that she is doing her job, but I need to give her a stern talking to. Have a great evening.

Cheers.......Jessie & Elise

Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a good night. Jet, feel better soon.

Loraine, I didn't get any sleep today but I hope that will change tonight.

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Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! 21 Feb Sister Beauty How goes it for you this TGIF?  We are doing ok here in the desert of Tucson. My shorty is in Green Va...