Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Good Night!

Good Night

Well, the day has ended. How was yours? I go to work on my book and I am ahead of the game. It has been a very relaxing day for us all. Elise prepared a great dinner this evening.

We had pinto beans and cornbread. It was delicious! We both ate too much.

We also watched a few episodes of "Weeds" it is getting very good now. It is a little cool this evening due to the sudden storm that we had. Plenty of rain, wind and thunder boomers.

Well, I had better get back to Chris. Have a wonderful evening. Tomorrow is Hump Day.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet sleep well.

Odette,good to hear from you. See you in a few days.

Jane and John, you are on a roll today.

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