Friday, October 9, 2009


Good Morning (TGIF)

Mood: Content

Music listening to: I Wanna Get Freaky With You

How are you? I started the day off at 5:45am caring for Chris. Elise is counting crows this morning and so is Susie and Vicky. I just put on the coffee pot so I am waiting for it to brew with my cup in hand. It seems like it takes it longer to brew when you are standing there watching it, eh? Any plans for today?

I must tell you that dinner last night was very nice at the Skybox and what a view of the mountains. Jeanne and Angelica had the sirloin with baked potatoes and veggies. Elise and I had the filet with a lobster tail and veggies. Elise and I had a couple of glasses of the house red that was pretty good and Jeanne had a mixed drink. Angelica had orange juice. We always have a good evening when we get together.

Well, no plans for me today, except that I have to get my packing together for our trip to Douglas for the High School Reunion. We are going to spend the evening at home watching DVD's and having Tilapia and french fries for dinner. Well, the coffee is done so I had better fill my cup. Have a good Friday and a great weekend.

Good Morning Jeanne

Flo and John, have a nice trip and enjoy.

Tiger and Marcie, have a great weekend.

Rosie, have a good weekend.

Sis, have a good one in the (A) and say hello to Shaina.

Mary and Bob, how are things?

Janice and Frank, how are things going?

Monna, have a fun filled weekend.

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Ciao! How are you doing? We are good here in windy, rainless Tucson. We just got back from Park Place Mall seeing the movie "Last Breat...