Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Good Night

Good Night

It has been quite a day today and I am totally exhausted. I took Kim to the airport this morning and I ran a few more errands having to do with our tees. Rosemary came at 1:00pm to care for Chris for the evening and Chris was glad to see her.

Later in the evening Elise and I went to Peppi's Hospice to see Ed who is Shoo Shoo's husband who is not well and in a coma. We met Shoo's daughter and her son Jesse while we were there for the short visit. I must tell you that Hospice is a blessing on site or within the home. After we left Peppi's we went to visit Jeanne who is not doing well either.

We were met by her son Dave at the door and he told us that Jeanne was not up to seeing anyone at that time and we understood that. We were about to leave and Dave invited us in to have a short chat and a cocktail and we did. While we were talking Angelica came in and said that Jeanne wanted to see Elise and I. We went into her room and she was sitting up in her chair. It was good to see her perk up when she saw us and we both hugged and kissed her. Jeanne is a very special lady in our life and hope that she grabs some strength and recover like she has done before. We didn't want to tire her out so we left after a while and we hugged and kissed her on our leaving. Seeing Ed and Jeanne is very humbling and it makes us give thanks to everyone we have come in contact with. Life is precious and we are all one huge family no matter where you are from. Race, creed, color, financial situation does not come into play when you truly care for you fellow man, we are all one!

Elise and I went to Black Angus for dinner after we left Jeanne's. We had a bottle of red, don't you know, and we both had the prime rib special that was excellent. We had Mud pie for dessert and hot coffee. We returned home and I checked on Chris and Rosemary. Elise and I watched a DVD series called "Rome" it is very good and I cannot wait to see more of the series. Elise called it a night and I checked on Chris and I to called it a day. Have a good evening and a better tomorrow.

Good Night Jeanne, so good to see you today, thank you.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet, thank you for the smoke for Jeanne she perked up today and I believe you made that possible my sisters.

Shoo Shoo, are prayers will continue for you, Ed and the whole family.


Loraine said...

You are good people to visit those in need.

Jessie said...


Thank you Loraine and so are you.


Ciao! How are you doing? We are good here in windy, rainless Tucson. We just got back from Park Place Mall seeing the movie "Last Breat...