Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday Morning

Good Morning

Mood: Relaxed

Music listening to: Let's Get It On by Marvin Gaye (Classic R&B)

How are you doing? I started the day off at 6:00am (late for me, eh?) caring for Chris. Elise is calling all hogs this morning but she will be moving and shaking soon. It is a nice 69 degrees this morning and very nice. The coffee is very good too! Any plans for today? Elise fixed a nice dinner last night. Italian sausages cooked on the grill and spaghetti, salad, very good with couple glasses of red of course.

I have no plans as of yet for this Monday but I always take it slow and easy on Mondays. We had a very nice breakfast out yesterday with Elise's Mum at Millie's Pancake House. After Rosemary arrived to care for Chris we went to the Pops Concert In The Park. It was a very good crowd for this concert and Elise's Mum was there too. The evening was perfect and we enjoyed the concert with a couple of glasses of red and some nuts and popcorn.

Their was a major problem during the intermission. A Pit bull decided to attack another dog and it had it by the upper back behind it's head and was not letting it good. People were running over to try to pry the dog loose and they were lucky it didn't attack them. The two dogs owners were trying to get them apart with no luck. The police arrived and they maced the Pit bull and it let go of the other dog. The other dog had a very large wound and I am sure that it needed a vet's attention. The Pit was taken away by it's owner and it was rolling all over the ground trying to get the mace off of it. The police were taking to both owners later. The mace residue was floating in the air and it was making a lot of people near the incident start to cough and choke to include Elise and I. Nasty stuff. The concert restarted and things were back to normal.

We returned home and I checked on Chris and we called it a night. Have a good Monday and stay safe and take it slow and easy.


Good Morning Jeanne

Tiger and Marcie, have a great Monday.

Rosie, how was the weekend?

Carol, how are you doing?

Steph,how are you feeling?

Monna, how are things going?

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Ciao! How are you doing? We are good here in windy, rainless Tucson. We just got back from Park Place Mall seeing the movie "Last Breat...