Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Good Night

Well, it has been another good day here in the Old Pueblo. Chris and I took it slow and easy today. When Elise returned home we dug a hole in the backyard so that we could plant some cacti. We will plant them tomorrow or the next day to make sure that the ground is dry.

Elise fixed breakfast for dinner and it was very good. We had crisp bacon, scrambled eggs with cheese, hash browns and toast and of course hot coffee. Great dinner. We also watch a DVD called Easy Virtue with Jessica Biel and Colin Firth, it was very good.

I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is relaxing. We started to smell something coming from our neighbors yard that was really strong. So Kim and Elise went over to investigate and it was the neighbors dog that they had buried, but not deep enough and it was exposed to the air. So they re bagged it and bleached the burial area. What a bit of excitement, eh?

Well, I had better get back to work with Chris. Have a good night all and a peaceful evening. I hope that you enjoyed the short movie of Chris and Porky?


Good Night Jeanne.

Elaine, always good to hear from you.

Mary, we are glad that you liked the movie.

Tiger and Marcie, good evening.

Hump Day

Good Morning

Mood: Dragging

Music listening to: Jump by the Pointer Sisters

Happy Hump Day, how are you doing? I started the day off at 4:45am due to the dogs were barking at something. Come to find out the something was Lambchop she was out of the yard and Porkchop and Rootbeer were barking at her. We still have not figured how she gets out, but she does when she feels like it. Lampchop is in timeout right now and she doesn't like that at all.

Elise is counting Bighorns this morning but she will be up and on the move shortly. I am on my second cup of coffee already. No real plans set for today as of yet but Hump Days are like that around these parts. It is a bit warmer this morning 73 degrees and a bit warm. Well, I had better get this day rolling along. Have a good Hump Day and stay safe.

Oh, yeah! Elise brought me a very nice cheeseburger and fries for dinner last night from Maynard's. I washed it down with a nice cold beer. Elise had salad and mussels while she was at her book club meeting.


Good Morning Jeanne, so sorry to hear about the incident that your daughter had to go through. We wish her the best and a speedy recovery.

Rosie, so good to hear from you as always.

Susie, yes the temps are out there lately. We hope that the weatherman are correct with their forecast of cooler temps. See you in a few days.

Tiger and Marcie, what is up for today?

Marilyn, good to hear from you and I am glad that things are well in Florida.

Steph,how are you?

Sis, how are things in Georgia? It is getting close to your vacation time, eh?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Good Night

Good Night

Well, it has been another hot day here in Tucson. It is 6:00pm and it is 98 degrees right now. This supposed to be our last triple digit temperature lingering heatwave for the year, we will see.

After Brent arrived Elise and I went to the airbase to pick up some bar essentials. We returned home to get Chris and Brent so we could head out to Chris's chiro appointment. After that Elise and I hit Costco to do a little shopping. We returned home and Elise fixed us nice glass of red to relax with.

I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is at her book club meeting. She will be bringing me back something for dinner from Maynard's at the train station. I am feeling OK, but I cannot get rid of this headache. It is more than likely stress and this type of headache is hard for me to shake.

Well, I had better go and check on Chris. Have a nice evening.


Good Night Jeanne

Tiger and Marcie, have a good evening.

Claudia,it was good to hear from you today.

Good Morning

Good Morning

Mood: Concerned

Music listening to: Baby Love by The Supremes

How are you? I started the day off at 5:30am caring for Chris. Elise is up and out early this morning. It is a nice 69 degrees right now and it is supposed to hit 103 degrees. The coffee is good this morning. I am feeling better but I have a huge headache now. Any plans for today?

We will be taking Chris to his chiro appointment this afternoon when Brent arrives to care for Chris. After that I will be tagging along with Elise while she runs her errands. That is about it for me for today at least I hope so. Have a good day and stay safe.


Good Morning Jeanne

Ross, you are on a roll keep those emails coming.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Good Night

Good Night,

Well, it has been a very hot day here in Tucson. It is just about 8:00pm and it is 93 degrees outside. I took it slow and easy today due to being under the weather. I am still not feeling well tonight. Still having stomach problems.

I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is at her Mum's playing bridge. Elise had some soup for dinner and I has some Ramen noodles due to my stomach problems. I didn't get to run my errands today, but I will get them done tomorrow. Well, I had better get back to Chris and get him settled for the night. Have a good evening all.


Good Night Jeanne

Tiger, are you feeling any better?

Monday Morning

Good Morning,

Mood: Under the Weather

Music listening to: No Ordinary Love by Sade'

How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:30am caring for Chris. Elise is up and out walking early this morning. The coffee is nice and hot his morning. It is a nice 68 degrees right now but it is supposed to hit 105 degrees today. How was your weekend?

I am having some very bad stomach problems this morning so I am taking it slow and easy and besides it's a Monday, smile. I have to run a couple of errands this morning and that is about all I have planned for today. Elise will be out and about a lot today and she will be helping out at the nearby elementary school. Elise does this for a couple of hours every Monday. Once a teacher always a teacher, eh?

Well, I had better get busy and get this day rolling along. Have a good day and stay safe.


Good Morning Jeanne

Marcie and Tiger, have a good one.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Good Night

Good Night,

Well, the day has just about come to an end and it has been a different kind of day. Elise, Chris and I watched a Tom Seleck DVD that was the in the series and it was very good. The name of it was Thin Ice. After the DVD I went to pick up Elise's Mum to have dinner with us. We had one of her favorites and that is hot dogs with the works, pork and beans, and a cold beer, Miller Lite.

Elise and I had rum and cokes. We topped that off with some butter pecan ice cream and it was good.

Elise took her Mom back home after the ice cream. She returned and we watched a little TV until I started to care for Chris for the evening since Rosemary is out sick still. Elise's calf's are still sore from here workout in Vegas and I had to rub them down with a analgesic rub again tonight. They are getting better though.

Well, I had better get back to work with Chris. We hope that your day was a good one? Beware tomorrow is Monday, smile.


Good Night Jeanne.

Herman, we want to thank you again for all that you have done for us in arranging great stays for us in Tempe, and Williams, AZ. Great deals.

Steph, continue to get as much rest as you can.

Rosie, how are things?


Good Afternoon

We had a very nice breakfast at the Egg Connection with Elise's Mum. We were joined by Paula and Marty and it is always good too see them. The food was very good this morning. We returned home and I dropped Elise off and I took Elise's Mum home.

I stopped at blockbuster to pick up a DVD for us to watch later. We are not going to the Pops Concert tonight because Rosemary called to say that she is still sick. The agency NSI was going to send someone out at 5:00pm for me to train them to work with Chris. I called them back and asked them why can't they send someone out to train this new person instead of me tying up my time and they said that they didn't' have anyone to send.

So I will notify the agency that I work for and let them know that I am working with Chris this evening and not NSI. NSI said that they will send someone out to be trained by one of their employees next weekend when Rosemary returns to care for Chris. This whole matter is not good for Chris's well-being not having stable caregivers and backups through this agency. Granted this agency is a business but in this type of work who needs the care the most and who is going to lack?

Enough of my complaining, smile.

Jeanne, how are you?

Herman, thanks for the call about our mini-vacation plans.

Good Morning

Good Morning


Music listening to: Man In The Mirror by Micheal Jackson

How are you doing on this fine Sunday morning? I started the day off at 5:30am looking in on Chris and getting his day started. Elise is caring for Chris this morning. It is a very nice 67 degrees here in the desert of Tucson, great sleeping weather. The coffee tastes much better when it is a little cool, as a matter of fact I am on my second cup, smile.

Well, Chris's caregiver was a no show due to she was sick last night. It sent us into a panic because we had made dinner reservation for the Barrio and after dinner we were going to the Arizona Theatre Company to see Kite Runner. We ended up canceling the dinner reservation and we scrambled to get things rolling so we could go to the theatre. Well, Elise worked it out and we got to make it to the theater for the play.

The play was very good and we were amazed at how it followed the book and the movie very well. They really pulled it off well and the actors were fantastic and the standing ovation at the end was well deserved. We returned home and I checked on Chris and we called it a night after I gave Elise's calf's a rub down due to they are very sore and tender after walking up and down 28 floors in Vegas a workout.

We are going out to breakfast with Elise's Mum this morning at The Egg Connection. We are hoping that we don't have any caregiver problems this evening that will prevent us from going to the Pops Concert because this performance is the last one of the season. Our Wildcats beat Oregon last night. GO CATS!!! Have a good day all.


Good Morning Jeanne

Ross, wow what a dust storm, eh?

Anne, did you watch the Wildcats play?

Marcie, loved the video, thanks.

Tiger, how are you ?

Janice, glad that you are back at home and we are glad that things went well for your Mom. I can see you smiling now Frank, eh?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Good Morning

Good Morning,

Mood: Happy

Music listening to: Bad by Michael Jackson

How are you doing on this Saturday morning? It is a very nice day here in Tucson and all is going well. Any plans for today? Elise cared for Chris this morning and now she is out shopping for groceries. I will get Chris up shortly and he will be up until after his walk with Rosemary this evening.

We are going to go out to dinner at a place called the Barrio. It is located in downtown Tucson. After dinner we are going to the Arizona Theatre Company to see the play Kite Runner. We saw the movie and it was very good and we are wondering how it will be on stage.

We had a very nice time but short in Vegas, we love it there. Here is a little breakdown of our mini-trip.

On 23 Sept we left Tucson at 6:30am after Brent arrived to care for Chris. We may be losing Brent as a caregiver and that would be a sad thing for us and Chris. He is very good with Chris and he takes him to Chucky Cheese, swimming, to parks and to the mall. We hope that we don't lose him. His dad is ill and he may have to be his full time caregiver.

We stopped at a truck stop for breakfast in Eloy and then we hit the road again. Elise had eggs, hash browns. I had pork chops, eggs, potatoes and toast. Elise ate 1/3 of a pork chop and we had plenty of coffee. We only stopped once to get gas and we didn't arrive until 2:30pm due to it was slow coming into Hoover Dam. It is so much work going on the roads that it took an hour of the trip. It took us 8 hours and that was with almost an hour stop for breakfast, so the actual travel time was about 7 hours. It should have only taken 6 hours.

We checked onto our room at the Excalibur and we got a great deal due to being Player's Club members and Facebook users. We received free drink coupons as well. A couple was checking in and they wanted a extra night and the charge for them for a Friday night stay was $282.00, WOW we got a great deal, there are still some perks around, eh? We ventured to the casino and we got our two free drinks with the coupons. Then we played Ladybug and Moolah and won. We spent $100.00 and won $170.00 lot's of fun. We were going to eat gluten free pizza from Sammy's but they don't deliver and it was too far to drive to, so we ate in the casino. It is about midnight and we just returned from the casino. We ate dinner at the Steakhouse we both had steaks with a baked potato, salad, and a bottle of red and chocolate mousse for dessert, plus coffee for $96.00 a good deal and a lot of food. After dinner we tried the slots again and we spent $40.00 and only got $18.46 in return. We returned to our room because the smoke was getting to Elise.

24 Sept we were up at 8:30am. I took a nice hot shower and Elise is walking the stairs up and down 28 floors, she did that twice. Later we went to the Luxor to get tickets for the Bodies exhibition. We played the slots in the Luxor and and it was a good idea. We spent $68.00 and won $167.82, more fun indeed. We returned to the Excalibur and we bought tickets for the buffet for $25.00 apiece. We could eat all day long for 24 hours and all we had to show was our wristband. For breakfast Elise had oatmeal, prunes,bananas. I had corn beef hash, potatoes,eggs, chicken fried steak and a biscuit. Good food. Later in the day we went to the Luxor and for the Bodies exhibit an to play more slots. The Bodies exhibit was truly fascinating. We ate dinner at the Excalibur buffet. Elise had chicken, ribs,potatoes,corn,green beans,shrimp and sushi. I had the same it was good but not great,smile. After that we played more slots and we spent $60.00 and only go back $31.50 in returned, bummer! We called it a night.

25 Sept we were up again at 8:30am , barely. We got dressed and we went to breakfast at the Sherwood Forest. Elise had eggs, ham and potatoes. I had corned beef hash,eggs, potatoes and toast with plenty of coffee. We then played the slots and we spent $20.00 and won $17.50. It was nearing checkout so we went back up to our room to pack up. It was a very good trip to Vegas and we won almost $300.00 dollars. We arrived back in Tucson at around 7:00pm and we stopped at the Black Angus for dinner. We both had Western Teas that were great while we waited to be called for a table. We both had the prime rib, baked potatoes, green beans, real horseradish not the creamy stuff. We shared a bottle of red that was very good. We returned home and I checked on Chris and we called it a night. A excellent mini-vacation.

We hope that your day will be a good one, stay safe.

Good Morning Jeanne, sorry that the dollar slots were not productive for you maybe next time, smile.

JT, we tried to help but the office was closed at ASU. I called your Mom to help be she could not be located, sorry.

The above photos are at Hoover Dam and the flower photo was taken at El Con Mall here in Tucson.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Good Night

Good Night All

It has been another good day here in Tucson. Chris and I rested, relaxed and took it easy. Elise and I played Wii bowling this afternoon and I lost my professional status but I got it back. We also played a few games of Lawn Darts on the Wii as well. It is so much fun and it really makes you work.

We had Yokohama Rice bowls for dinner and they were very good. We ate them while we watched the Golden Girls on DVD. I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is playing bridge at her Mum's house.

I am all packed and ready to hit the road tomorrow for Las Vegas on our mini-vacation. I am glad that I am a member of the Players Club because I get some good deals. Well, I had better get back to Chris and get him settled so I can hit the sheets and call it a day. Have a good evening and we will chat at you when we return.


Good Night Jeanne, wish us luck.

Ross, give a Happy Birthday to Denise for us.

Tiger and Marcie, have a good evening.

Liz and Steph, you are at the top of our prayer list.

Sis, be careful with all of the rain the your are getting.

Good Morning

Good Morning

Mood: Content

Music listening to: Heard It Through The Grapevine by Marvin Gaye (Classic R&B)

How are you? I started the day off at 5:30am caring for Chris. Elise is up and out swimming this morning. It is a very nice 69 degrees outside but it is going to heat up quickly. The nights are perfect for sleeping and it is hard to want get up to start the day. The coffee is good and it always give me that little kick to get motivated.

I have to run to my office this morning and turn in some paperwork. We will get packed up today for our mini-vacation to Las Vegas that starts tomorrow and ends on Friday. Brent will be caring for Chris while we are away. I got a good deal due to I am a Players Club member through the MGM Grand. We will be staying at the Excalibur again and we like it there a lot.

Well, I had better get to work with Chris. Have a good day and enjoy.


Good Morning Jeanne

Ross, you are on a roll again with the emails keep them coming.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Good Night

Good Night All

How did your day go? Things were fairly quiet here in the Old Pueblo. Chris and I took it easy today and we listened to music and we watched TV this afternoon. Elise returned home and we bowled a few games on Wii. Elise a professional bowler and I have lost my professional status, but I will get it back soon.

Elise prepared soup for dinner that was very good along with carrots, red peppers and pickles. I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is at her Mum's playing bridge. Well, I had better get back to work with Chris is talking up a storm. Have a great evening.


Good Night Jeanne, it was good talking to you this afternoon. I will do my best to win for you in Vegas.

JT, I got the new rent quote, thanks.

Claudia, how are things going in Texas?

Marcie, thank you so very much for the wavs. I really do like them a lot, now to put them to use, eh?

Monday Morning

Good Morning

Mood: Relaxed

Music listening to: Let's Get It On by Marvin Gaye (Classic R&B)

How are you doing? I started the day off at 6:00am (late for me, eh?) caring for Chris. Elise is calling all hogs this morning but she will be moving and shaking soon. It is a nice 69 degrees this morning and very nice. The coffee is very good too! Any plans for today? Elise fixed a nice dinner last night. Italian sausages cooked on the grill and spaghetti, salad, very good with couple glasses of red of course.

I have no plans as of yet for this Monday but I always take it slow and easy on Mondays. We had a very nice breakfast out yesterday with Elise's Mum at Millie's Pancake House. After Rosemary arrived to care for Chris we went to the Pops Concert In The Park. It was a very good crowd for this concert and Elise's Mum was there too. The evening was perfect and we enjoyed the concert with a couple of glasses of red and some nuts and popcorn.

Their was a major problem during the intermission. A Pit bull decided to attack another dog and it had it by the upper back behind it's head and was not letting it good. People were running over to try to pry the dog loose and they were lucky it didn't attack them. The two dogs owners were trying to get them apart with no luck. The police arrived and they maced the Pit bull and it let go of the other dog. The other dog had a very large wound and I am sure that it needed a vet's attention. The Pit was taken away by it's owner and it was rolling all over the ground trying to get the mace off of it. The police were taking to both owners later. The mace residue was floating in the air and it was making a lot of people near the incident start to cough and choke to include Elise and I. Nasty stuff. The concert restarted and things were back to normal.

We returned home and I checked on Chris and we called it a night. Have a good Monday and stay safe and take it slow and easy.


Good Morning Jeanne

Tiger and Marcie, have a great Monday.

Rosie, how was the weekend?

Carol, how are you doing?

Steph,how are you feeling?

Monna, how are things going?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday Morning

Good Morning

Mood: Exhausted

Music listening to: My, my, my by Johnny Gill

How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:30am looking in on Chris and getting him settled. Elise is caring for Chris this morning. Actually I started the day off at 12:30am and again at 2:45am due to the dogs barking again at something and I got up and I saw nothing at all. Any plans for today?

Well, our Wildcats got beaten by Iowa yesterday. Our defense was pretty good but or offense was terrible, we will win the next game for sure. We had Chinese for dinner last night with Dena and Bucky and they shared a bottle of red. I didn't have any due to I was not feeling well at all. I must to have felt really bad because I don't turn down a good red. We played hearts and that was fun. Chris's caregiver Rosemary did no show up and she did not call to say that she would not show up. I cared for Chris last night. She is supposed to show up this evening to care for Chris,we will see.

We are planning on going to another Pops Concert this evening at Reid Park if things go like they should. We are going to go out for breakfast with Elise's Mum this morning as usual. Well, I had better get this day moving forward. Have a good Sunday and enjoy.


Good Morning Jeanne

Ross, glad that your are back home safe. Say hello to Denise for us.

Tiger and Marcie, what was for dinner last night?

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Good Morning

Mood: Tired

Music listening to: Don't Rock The Boat by The Hughes Corp

How are you doing? I started the day at 5:40am looking in on Chris. Elise will be caring for Chris this morning as soon as she is through counting Puma's this morning. We got an early wake up this morning at around 1:20am due to Lampchop our alpha dog got out of the yard so we had to locate her and get her back in and we did and she was put in time-out for a while. What is up for you today?

We are going to watch our Wildcats play football against Iowa this afternoon. GO CATS! We had a very nice evening out last night. We were going to have dinner at the Garland but it was closed due o repairs being made so we went to the Blue Willow. It has changed the way it looks out on the patio area. It is more roomy and the food is still great. Elise had a egg dish and I had the fish and chips special. We shared a bottle of red from Casa Robles in California and it was very good.

After dinner we went to the Invisible Theatre to see Leaving Iowa and it was very good and very funny. The acting was very good and it has Elise tearing up due to it brought back memories of how her family would go on road trips in there RV. We returned home and I checked on Chris and we called it a night. Well, I had to grind some coffee beans this morning and now the coffee is done and I am ready for about a gallon of it right now. Have a good day and stay safe.


Good Morning Jeanne, is this format better? Let me know.

Liz, you guys are in our prayers.

Tiger and Marcie, what was for dinner last night?

Carol, I am pleased that you liked the wav that I sent to you. I agree it is good to put a voice with a face. Have a good day.

Paula and Marty, Good Morning!

Pearl, you are working way too much.

Sis, have a good day. Shaina, you too!

Flo and John, what is new?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Pops Photos

Hello again,

Here are a few photos that we took at the Pops Concert in the Park last Sunday. We are planning on attending the concert again this Sunday evening if all goes well.



Good Morning (TGIF)

Mood: Adventurous

Music listening to: The Way You Make Me Feel by Michael Jackson

TGIF, how are you on this Friday morning? I started the day off at 5:15am caring for Chris. Elise is still counting catfish this morning but she will swimming along shortly. Any plans for the weekend?

We had a very nice evening with Donna last night at the Gaslight Theatre. Prior to meeting Donna at the Gaslight we stopped to pick up a pizza for Elise for Eclectic Pizza, they have gluten-free pizza that are very good. We met Donna and we were seated at our reserved seats that were pretty good ones. We were there early and we watched as the theatre filled up. We ordered a bottle of Merlot that was called 120. It is from Chile and it was very good with a little kick to it. Elise ordered a small salad to go along with her pizza, Donna ordered a tuna sandwich with fries, and I order small pizza with pepperoni and sausage that was very good.

The title of the play was Cronan the Barbarian and it was hilarious let me tell you. The actor who played Cronan would break into his Arnold impressions and he was very good. The play was excellent and the Olio after the play was very good with a spin on Johnny Carson and his sidekick Ed Mc. After the play we said our goodbyes to Donna and we headed for home. I checked on Chris and we called it a night. A very good evening.

I have to take Chris to a doctor's appointment this morning and I have to go by my office as well, so it is going to be a busy morning. We are going to go to the Garland for dinner this evening and then to the Invisible Theatre to see a play called Leaving Iowa. Well, I had better get busy and grab another cup of coffee. Have a good day and a better weekend.


Good Morning Jeanne, have a good day playing bridge.

Pearl, it was good to hear from you yesterday.

Anne, I am pleased the you like the small additions to our blog.

Tiger and Marcie, have a good weekend and stay safe.

Rosie, what is up around your way?

Sis, you and Shaina have a safe weekend.

Steph, how are things going?

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Good Morning

Mood: Restless

Music listening to: Hard For The Money by Donna Summer

How are you this Thursday morning? I started the day off at 4:45am due to the dogs were barking at something nearby. So that means a early start to having a cup of coffee, eh? Elise is counting Bats but she will be up and at it shortly.

I have to run a quick errand early this morning before the day gets to busy. Chris and Elise will be receiving a massage this morning at around 10:00am. Brent will be caring for Chris this afternoon and they are going to Chucky Cheese one of Chris's favorite places.

We are going to go to the Gaslight Theatre with Donna this evening to see a play. The presentations are always very funny there and the food is pretty good to. Boy, I am sore and all scratched up from trimming he hedge yesterday, but it needed to be done. Well, I had better check on Chris. Have a good day and stay safe.


Good Morning Jeanne

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Good Night

Good Night,

How did your day go? Things went well here in the Old Pueblo. The temperature was not bad today at all. We were supposed to have a 10% chance of rain but no rain in sight,oh well! Elise and I played video game on the Wii after Chris's newly assigned case manager left. We played horseshoes, miniature golf, basketball, and a few others it is a lot of fun.

Elise fixed a very nice dinner this evening, nothing but veggies. Yep, you heard me right nothing but veggies. We had corn on the cob, boiled potatoes, carrots, and tomatoes and we washed it all down with a couple of glassed of red. No bad at all. For dessert we shared Snicker's Bar.

I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is checking her email and playing video games on her puter. Well, I had better get back to work and grind some more coffee beans for tomorrow morning. Have a good evening all.


Good Night Jeanne.

JT, it was good to hear from you today. Did you get the deposit I made for you?

Ross, thank you for the great emails.

Paula and Marty, glad that you got the invites today. We are looking forward to our Mystery with you and Richard and Mary.

Hump Day

Good Morning (Hump Day)


Music listening to: Let The Music Play

Well, it is Hump Day so what's up? I started the day off at 5:40am caring for Chris. Elise is back to counting those Geckos this morning but she will be up and getting to it shortly. It is a very nice 69 degrees this morning and the birds are chirping away. The coffee is good and I will have to grind some more beans today.

I am going to tackle the hedges this morning as soon as I get Chris settled and relaxed. We have no plans for today as of yet. We may play a few games on the Wii or we will watch a DVD. How about you? Any plans? Well, I had better get busy. Have a Hump Day and enjoy.


Good Morning Jeanne

Ross, you are on a roll with the emails, thanks.

Tiger and Marcie, how are things?

Rosie, keep those emails coming.

Carol, very nice photo of you and the dog, thanks.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Good Night

Good Night,

How was your day? It has been a peaceful day here in the valley. Elise and I went to the movies this afternoon to see Funny People and it was OK. After the movies we stopped at Best Buy to get a CD for Elise but we got a new game for Wii.

We returned home and Elise fixed breakfast for dinner. We had french toast, sausages, and hot coffee. We watched a couple of episodes of the Golden Girls on DVD. I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise just left to play bridge at her Mum's.

Tomorrow is Hump Day and we will visited by a case manager of one of the agencies that provides caregivers for Chris. The case manager is new so this is a initial visit. I still have a feeling that something is changing within his agency and it is not for the good. There are a lo pf politics within these organizations and it is not always geared to the best interest of the client or patient. First and foremost they are a business.

Well, I had better get back to work with Chris. Have a good night and a good Hump Day tomorrow.

Nos da.....................

Good Night Jeanne



How is your Tuesday going so far? Things are going OK here in Tucson. I am watering the plants and hedges at the present time. Chris is resting listening to his stereo. I will be getting him up shortly.

I have this funny feeling that we are about to run into some caregiver problems soon, and when I get that feeling we usually do run into a problem or two. I hope not because we have made plans for the remainder of the year and a few plans for the spring of 2010.

Well, I had better get back to my watering. Have a good afternoon all.


Anne, always a pleasure to hear from you.

Shirlene, thank you for the phone update and the photo.

Janet, how are things in Iowa?

Good Morning

Good Morning

Mood: Groggy

Music listening to: Big Butts by Sir Mix-a-Lot

How are things going? I started the day off at 6:00am caring for Chris. Elise is up and out swimming this morning. It is a nice 72 degrees right now and it is going to heat up as the day rolls along.

We have no plans for today as of yet but we may go to the movies this afternoon when Brent arrives to care for Chris. The coffee is good and hot this morning. I need to trim the hedges in the driveway and I am waiting on the temperature to get even lower. I will do it tomorrow morning early if all goes well.

Well, I had better get to work with Chris. Have a good day all.


Good Morning Jeanne

Tiger and Marcie, have a good one.

Rosie, how are you?

Paula and Marty, the invitations are in the mail.

Laura, how are things going in Wales?

Sis, have a good day and say hello to Shaina.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Good Night

Good Night,

Well, the day is winding down and it has been a good one. Chris and I enjoyed the visit by his case manager this morning. Chris enjoyed holding her hands and arm wrestling with her. Chris and I took a walk in the afternoon and then we watched some TV.

Elise prepared a good dinner that consisted of butter beans and corn bread, carrots, black olives and a pickle. We downed it all with iced tea. I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise just left to play bridge at her Mum's house.

I had better get back to work with Chris and get him settled for the night. We hope that your day was a good one?


Good Night Jeanne

Liz, it was good to hear from you today.

Jerome, I got a letter from your Mom today telling us about her Labor Day activities. I will write her back tomorrow.

Monday Y'all

Good Morning,

Mood: Blissful

Music listening to: The Man In The Mirror by Michael Jackson

How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:50am caring for Chris. Elise is up and about already this morning, I guess she ran out of things to count, eh? Do you have any plans for today? I have to run a few errands on the airbase is all and I need to get some things out in the mail. The coffee is good this morning and it is always a good way to start the day off.

Chris will be visited by his case manager today. He enjoys her visit and he is looking forward to arm wrestling with her. It is about 75 degrees right now and it is supposed to get into the upper 90's today with no rain in sight.

Well, Elise and I had a very nice stay-cation at the Courtyard Marriott at the Williams Centre on Saturday and Sunday, thanks to my brother Herman. We checked in at around 2:30pm and we didn't leave the room until Sunday morning. We played video games on our laptop from 3:00pm until around 10:00pm and we only stopped then to watch our Wildcats play football on TV. While we were playing the game we munched on my killer tuna salad with Frito Scoops. The salad consists of tuna, chopped eggs, chopped onions, mustard, miracle whip, and chopped jalapenos. I must tell you it is very good and very heated from the jalapenos, we love it. We also had our staple of Jack and Coke as well, smile. A very good evening.

We woke up late for us after 8:00am. We got ready to pick up Elise's Mum and we went to breakfast at a place called the Good Egg and the food was really good. It was so much that we had to get a to-go box. And we had a senior moment and we left my to-go box there. Elise's Mums to-go box had very large cinnamon roll in it and we didn't forget that one. Mine had potatoes, toast, chorizo, and eggs in it. We took Elise's Mum home and we stopped off at our home to see how things were going with Chris. We returned to the Marriott and got ready to checkout. We returned home and we unpacked and then we left for the movies. We went to see District 9 and it was pretty good. After the movies we went for a early dinner at Elle's and the food was great. We shared a bottle of Chianti that was really good at was featured at half price, a good deal. Elise had the Risotto and I had the Tagliatelle pasta with Italian sausage, very good. The wine was so good that we bought a bottle to take home with us.

After dinner we went to Reid park to listen to Music Under The Stars Pops Concert. It was a great evening out and a good breeze was blowing. A good crowd was there and we had mixed nuts, popcorn and a couple glassed of a Cab while we listened to the music. Excellent way to end the day and end our stay-cation. We returned home and I checked on Chris and we called it a weekend. Now it is back to reality,smile. Well, I had better get busy and get to work. Have a good day all.


Good Morning Jeanne, sorry about Ohio, but our Wildcats kicked butt, smile.

Herman, we cannot thank you enough for making our weekend a good one.

Tiger and Marcie, how was your weekend?

Ross, what did you and Denise do over the weekend?

Sis, how was the weekend? Did you BBQ something? Smile!

The above photos are from the Pops Concert at Reid Park.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Good Morning

Good Morning,

Mood: Restful

Music listening to: Me and Mrs. Jones by Billy Paul

How are you this morning? I started the day off at 5:00am due to the dogs barking at something out in front of the house. Elise is still counting those toads this morning but she will hopping along soon. I forgot to mention that we had a visitor on the south side of the house early Friday morning. I didn't know it was there due to I was so exhausted and I was in a very deep sleep. We have a fountain right outside of our window and Elise said that it was being visited by a skunk that was very aromatic to say the least. I didn't even know it was there because I was knocked out. I wonder if the neighbors got a whiff or it as well? There have been sightings of bears, coyotes, bobcats seen in the city because the animals are looking for water.

Any plans for today? We are going to the Courtyard Marriott at the Williams Centre for a stay-cation overnight, thanks to my brother Herman. We will relax and take it easy. We had a very nice time last night at Sam Hughes Place for dinner. We shared a bottle of Aqua Pumpkin, it was a Pinot and it was very good. Elise had the tuna with rice and veggies and I had the Root Beer braised short ribs with white cheese mashed potatoes and veggies and crispy onion rings. We also shared a salad and jerk shrimp on skewers they were very spicy and very, very good.

Well, I had better get to work with Chris. Marva is going to care for Chris while we are on our stay-cation. I can smell the coffee and I am ready for a cup or two. Have a good day and enjoy the weekend.


Good Morning Jeanne, Go OHIO!! Tell Angelica thanks for the Albondigas,wow it is so good.

Herman, thank you so much for helping us with such good rates, we are grateful.

Tiger and Marcie, have a good day.

Ross, hey you are on a roll. Have a good weekend.

Liz, you are in our prayers.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Good Morning (TGIF)

Mood: Mellow

Music listening to: The Beat Goes On by the Whispers

How are you? Hey, it is Friday and the weekend is here. What are your plans? I started the day off at 5:30am caring for Chris. Elise, well she is still counting those horny toads this morning but she will be bouncing shortly. It is a nice 78 degrees with a slight breeze that feels pretty good this morning.

I forgot to mention that Angelica gave me some Albondigas the other night and it is so good and so all gone as well, I love it. We are going to go out to dinner this evening at Sam Hughes Place near the U of A. We are looking forward to it since we have never eaten there. Marv will be caring for Chris this evening.

I am going to prepare some of my killer tuna salad with jalapenos this morning. We are going to take it along with us on our stay-cation tomorrow. We will be at the Courtyard Marriott in the Williams Centre here in Tucson, thanks to the great rate that my brother Herman got for us. We will relax, play video games on our laptop, and watch the Wildcats play NAU, it should be a good game a nice get-away. While we are away Marva will be caring for Chris.

Well, I had better bet busy with Chris and decide what I am going to pack for our short stay-cation. Another cup of coffee is in order about right now. Have a good day and a great weekend.


Good Morning Jeanne

Debby, thank you for the great emails.

Tiger and Marcie, have a good one.

Rosie, what is up for the weekend?

Janet, what are you doing for the weekend?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Good Night

Good Night

How did your day go? It has been a good day here in Tucson. Hot and still no rain so far. I have had a headache ever since around noon and I still have it. I may need some extra sleep or something. Chris and Elise got their massage today and while Chris was getting his, he lost his catheter and and the therapist informed us when she finished his massage. I went over and I replaced it and we had to completely change all of his bed linen.

We didn't take Chris bowling because of my headache so we watched a DVD and ate some popcorn. After that Elise went to Yokohama and she got two bowls for dinner. They were very good with a couple of rum and cokes. While we were eating we watched The Golden Girls on DVD. I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is checking her email.

I just made reservations for dinner at Sam Hughes Place for tomorrow night. It near the U of A Wildcat stadium. We have been there before for a cocktail but never for dinner. Well, I had better get back to Chris and get him settled for the night. Have a good evening.


Good Night Jeanne.

Good Morning

Good Morning

Mood: Joyful

Music listening to: One Nation Under A Groove by Funkadelic

How are you? I started the day off at 5:30am caring for Chris. Elise, well she is cloud jumping this morning but she will come down to earth soon and begin her day. It is a nice 71degrees right now and it is supposed to hit 100 degrees today. Still no rain in our area. The coffee is good this morning and I am going to have to grind some more beans today. Any plans for today?

We are going to take Chris bowling this afternoon at the Lucky Strike Lanes, he loves to bowl and so do we. Rosemary will be here to care for Chris this afternoon and she will go along with us to bowl. Boy, this coffee is good this morning.

We had a fantastic evening at Lowes Ventana Canyon Resort with Jeanne and Anjelica. We ate dinner at the Flying V and let me tell you the food was very good and it is a very nice place. Elise and Anjelica had the trout with veggies, and Jeanne and I had the Mole pork chop with cornbread dressing and soup made with chorizo and white beans, it was excellent let me tell you. We also shared a cornbread with jalapenos that was great and also some lavosh. Elise and I shared a bottle of red and Jeanne had a couple of Jim Beams neat with ice on the side. We enjoyed the evening very much.

After dinner we meet up a Jeanne's house and we had dessert. I had ice cream with Kahlua with crushed Heath bars on top. Excellent! Anjelica had the same, and Elise had a small amount of ice cream. We had after dessert drinks as well. Jeanne had Jack on the rocks and so did Elise. I was convinced to have one as well and it was very good, smile. We said our good-byes and we left for home. Jeanne and Anjelica are wonderful friends and great hosts. Jeanne loves the Polo cologne that I wear and she gets her Polo fix every time we meet up.

We returned home and I checked on Chris and we called it a night. Well, I had better get busy and get Chris ready for his massage that he and Elise will receive today. Have a good day all and enjoy.


Good Morning Jeanne and Anjelica, thank you for a wonderful evening at Lowes Ventana Canyon Resort.

Herman, we are looking forward to our stay cation at the Courtyard Marriott on Saturday, thank you again.

Tiger and Marcie, what is up for today?


Buongiorno! THANK YOU, DONNA, Mood: Content! Music listening to: Jungle Love by the Thyme! Buon Lunedi!  How are you doing? It is a nice, cl...