Saturday, September 7, 2024



Mood: Content!

Music listening to: The Maze a Book on CD!

Buon Sabato!  How are you doing? It is a nice, sunny morning here in Tucson. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Italian Roast Blend, and a second cup will be enjoyed later this morning. Alexa is awake and she reminded me that the "Friends of the Library" opens up for a new season. I will be there for sure to pick up more books on CD. I asked her to play some "Funk Jazz" for me today.

Our evening out with my girlfriends Shoo Shoo and Edwina at "Dantes Fire". The food was delicious and so were the drinks. Thank you Shoo and Edwina. Have a look.





My playmate and I enjoyed watching the (DVR'd) Chiefs game yesterday. It was a very good game, and the Chiefs won.

We will be watching U of A Football today. Go Cats!

I have a new rock ready to be painted, and my shorty is working on one.

We may play some "Wii" games after Mia Moglie returns from grocery shopping.

Well, I had better get this day moving along straight away. Have a good Sabato. Stay safe and I will chat at you later.

Today's challenge word is (lucertola). I had a nice conversation this morning with a (lucertola), when I picked up the newspaper. Do you talk to them fidanzata?

Ciao...Jessie and Elise 


JT said...

Buongiorno fidanzata. Il sabato e arrivato!

"A volte basta fare il primo passo per essere un modello per gli altri".


Loraine said...

Sì, parlo con la lucertola, con i gatti del vicino, con gli uccelli; a volte parlo anche con il cielo o con il vento.
"I bambini non sono mai stati molto bravi ad ascoltare gli anziani, ma non hanno mai mancato di imitarli."
― James Baldwin

JT said...

Great quote and so true.

Anonymous said...

The pictures of you 4 look great. So glad you all had a good evening.

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! 21 Feb Sister Beauty How goes it for you this TGIF?  We are doing ok here in the desert of Tucson. My shorty is in Green Va...