Tuesday, September 17, 2024




Mood: Relaxed! Barred! Giggles! Rummied! Giggles!

Music listening to: The Maze a Book on CD!

Buon Martedi!  Taco Tuesday!  How are you doing? It is a nice, mostly sunny day here in Tucson. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Italian Roast Blend, and a second cup will be downed later this morning.  Alexa is awake and she reminded me that Chris the iRobot will be coming out of his cradle this morning to clean the main house carpet. I asked her to play some "Contemporary Jazz" for me today.

Mia Moglie will be heading out for her weekly bridge game over on the eastside soon.

I am going to recheck my suitcase to make sure I have all I need for our short overnight staycation at DDC. We will make our way over to the DDC after my playmate returns home from her bridge game.

I am going to fire up the Power Washer to test it out on the front porch loungers, after Chris the iRobot returns to his cradle.

Well, I had better get busy. Have a good Taco Tuesday. Stay safe and listen for some Cha Chings.

Today's challenge word is (Battuta). I need to hear a good (Battuta). Do you have one for me fidanzata?

Ciao...Jessie and Elise 

Monday, September 16, 2024

Buona Sera!

Buona Sera!

How are you doing on this Lunedi evening? Mia Moglie and I are holding our own the best we can.

My doc appointment went very well today, except for my BP was up a bit. He asked me what has been going on lately and I told him about the loss of our dear friend Sheila. He told me that this type of stress can and will always raise your BP a bit. Other than that, I can do two or three cartwheels for sure.

I was a bit frustrated that I could not use my new Power Washer today because it needed an adapter. So, I went to the hardware store and problem solved. A BP raiser, right? I will use the Power Washer early in the morning to clean some lawn furnishing.

My BP went up a bit more this evening. Come to find out my (Capo) has Covid. He has been not feeling himself now for a few days. What is going on? Wow!

My playmate prepared breakfast for dinner. We enjoyed waffles, eggs, sausages and coffee.

We have our suitcases out and packed for our staycation at Desert Diamond Casino. We will use my (player) perks for this stay. We haven't been to the (DDC) in ages. We need the break for sure. This is one of the rare times that I am not excited about going to play Keno. I just need a diversion from these past few days. This staycation is only for an overnight stay. So, wish my shorty a lot of Cha Chings!

Here are the latest rocks out in the hood. Enjoy!

Well, I had better check on my packing. Get a good night's sleep so you can be ready for Taco Tuesday. Stay safe and I will chat at you later. Thank you all for the good wishes for Sheila's family during this hard time.

Buona notte...Jessie and Elise 


Sunday, September 15, 2024



Mood: Cautious!

Music listening to: None!

Buon Domenica!  How are you doing? It is a nice, sunny morning here in Tucson. Any plans for today?

We just got back from having a good breakfast at the "Egg Connection". The food was very good, and we were hungry.

Our trek up to Gilbert, Arizona has been cancelled because we received a text from the daughter that her mom doesn't want any visitors at this time because she is overwhelmed and exhausted.

My playmate and I will be working on a photobook today if time permits. 

We will be watching the "Chiefs" play football later today. "Go Chiefs".

Here is what yesterday's Chef Day looked like. Enjoy!

I will be prepping a new rock for painting soon and my shorty is working on one.

Well, I had better get to it. Have a good Domenica and I will chat at you later.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise  

Saturday, September 14, 2024




Mood: Content!

Music listening to:  The Maze a Book on CD!

Buon Sabato!  How are you doing? It is a nice, clear morning here in the "Old Pueblo". Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Southern Pecan Blend, and a second cup will be downed later this morning. Alexa is awake and she said that today will be spent in the (cucina). Yes, today is Chefs Day. My Sous Chef and I will be back in the (cucina) tossing around pots and pans. 

The menu will be "Elk Stew" loaded with Yukon Potatoes, Carrots, Onions, Whole Kernel Corn. We will let it cook slowly for about 8 hours.  We will add a can of IPA to the pot to give it a kick, smile! This is going to be good. Are you drooling yet? The Elk Roast was provided by our daughter Kim and Son-In-Law Carlos. They are avid hunters. My Sous will select the proper libation for tonight's dinner.

I didn't sleep well for most of the night. I over did things yesterday in the Cactus Garden and working in the backyard. I got attacked by the Cactus and my ankle was hurting along with my knee. You need to get hazard pay when you clean out a Cactus Garden. No Joke!

Well, our Wildcats got beaten badly by Kansas State last night. I am sure that they will do better in the next game. This weekend is going to be a football weekend for sure.

Here is my playmates latest rock creation. We are both prepping new rocks for painting. Enjoy!


Well, I had better get to it. Have a good Sabato. Stay safe and I will chat at you later.

Today's challenge word is (birra). I will be enjoying a (birra) or two while I am in the (cucina) today. I can get a lot of (birri) in right fidanzata?

Ciao...Jessie and Elise 

Friday, September 13, 2024



Mood: Content! Cautious!

Music listening to: The Maze a Book on CD!

Buon Venerdi!  TGIF!  How are you doing? It is a nice, clear morning here in Tucson. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Chocolate Hazelnut Cream Blend, and a second cup will be enjoyed later this morning. Alexa is awake and she said that today is going to be super busy for me. I asked her to play some "Funk Jazz" for me today.

I will be starting a new rock today. I also need to get back to my online class as well.

We are working on a photo book. I need to go through many photos so I can get this done. Chris's Memorial Celebration is coming up fast and we still have a lot to get done.

Well, I had better get busy and get this TGIF moving along. I heard from Sorella Jayne last night and she said things are really tough in Kenya. We wish her the best.

Stay safe and I will have a chinwag at you later.

Mia Moglie and I will be hitting up Costco today.

Today's challenge word is (La vita e bella). Right fidanzata?

Ciao...Jessie and Elise 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Buona Sera!

Buona Sera!

Did your day go as planned? It had been a busy one for us here in Tucson.

Breakfast was good at "Gus Balons" as usual. After breakfast we made our way onto the airbase to renew Mia Moglie's ID card.

We postponed the trip to Costco until tomorrow. Later we made our way to "Park Mall" to see the movie "Am I Racist", I have to tell you that it was really good.

After the movie we stopped at "Leo's to pick up some takeaway for dinner. Will there be margaritas? You better know it. 

We returned home and Mia Cognata, arrived. So that changed the events of the evening.

Here is my latest rock that we dropped off at "Gus Balons" this morning. My playmate has prepped her new rock, and I will prep mine later this evening.


Hey, her is a picture of our longtime mate "Denise" who resides in Sydney. Lovely, right?


Here is a picture of my very first epal. Here name is Monna. She and her hubby are vacationing in Greece.


Well, I need to get Azalya feed and watered. Have a good night. Stay safe and I will chat at you later.

Buona notte...Jessie and Elise 



Mood: Content!

Music listening to:  The Maze a Book on CD!

Buon Giovedi! Sete Giovedi! How are you doing? It is a nice, clear morning here in Tucson. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Vermont Maple Blend, and a second cup will be enjoyed at "Gus Balons" along with a good breakfast. Alexa is awake and she said that today is going to be another busy one. I asked her to play some "Down Home Blues" for me today.

My playmate and I are going to prep some new rocks to be painted. We are going to start painting some "Halloween" rocks.

After breakfast this morning we are going to go out on the airbase to renew Mia Moglie's ID card. After that we are going to hit up Costco for a few items.

We will be hitting up "Park Mall" to see a movie this afternoon. 

Well, I have to tell you that Chefs Day was delicious. We enjoyed Fettuccine alla Ragu, with a nice salad, Bread Sticks and some refreshing Jack and Cokes. Have a look see.







Well, I had better get to it. Have a good Thirsty Thursday. Stay safe and I will chat at you later.

Today's challenge word is (polpo). Mia Moglie is crazy about (polpo). How about you fidanzata?

Ciao...Jessie and Elise

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio!

How are you doing? We are good as a matter of fact we are great.

We just got back from Superior Court in downtown Tucson. The reason we went was that my (bat-shit) ex started up some trouble. I have been divorced from her now for 20 years. Wouldn't you think that it was time for her to move on? She started throwing out lies at a rapid pace and the judge had to stop her a few times. I kept my cool, I avoided eye contact with my ex. I had prepared for this for weeks now.

The outcome was in my favor and that was apparent from the start of the appearance in court. So, I blocked all communication via my phone and email. After she returned home, she sent a message before I totally blocked her. It said, "This is Round One". Unbelievable, right?

Elise got to witness firsthand and now she knows what I have been telling her over the years. I tell you I need a double Jack and Coke about right now. 

Hey, today is Chefs Day. Mia Moglie and I will be in the (cucina) preparing Spaghetti with a Meat sauce. My Sous will prepare a nice salad, and she will select the proper libation to go with the meal.

I feel like doing a cartwheel and I think I will after a few belts of Jack, smile!

Here is the latest rock in the hood. Enjoy! I will chat at you later.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise



Mood: Relaxed! Barred! Rummied! Giggles!

Music listening to: The Maze a Book on CD!

Buon Mercoledi!  Hump Day!  How are you doing?  It is a nice, clear morning here in Tucson. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Italian Roast Blend, and a second cup will be downed later this morning. Alexa is awake and she reminded me that I have to make a run early this morning downtown. So, I need to get ready for it. 

I will post to the blog later today. Have a good Humper. Stay safe and I will chat at you later.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024



Mood: Content! Blessed!

Music listening to: The Maze a Book on CD!

Buon Martedi!  Taco Tuesday!  How are you doing? It is a nice, clear morning here in Tucson. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good French Vanilla Blend, and a second cup will be enjoyed later this morning.  Alexa is awake and she remined me that Chris the iRobot will be coming out of his cradle to clean the main house carpet. I asked her to play some "Contemporary Jazz" for me today.

I am just about finished with my latest rock. I will post it later today. Mia Moglie is almost finished with hers as well. We are thinking about starting some Halloween rocks next.

Mia Moglie will be taking the "Donna Verde" to her Tuesday Bridge Game.

I will be putting to paper the layout for Chris's Memorial Celebration to get an idea of what the set-up will look like.

Well, I had better get this day moving along. Have a good Taco Tuesday. Stay safe and I will have a chinwag at you later.

Today's challenge word is (abbiocco). I woke up this morning with a lot of (abbiocco). How about you fidanzata?

Ciao...Jessie and Elise

Ross and Denise, what is new in Sydney?

Rosie, how are things in Melbourne?

Monna, how are things going?

Barb, how are you doing?

Bert and Lori, how are you?

Nicolette, what is new?

Jayne, is your mum feeling better today?

Rosemarie, how are you doing?

Sheila and Dave, good to talk to you yesterday. 

Monday, September 9, 2024



How are you doing so far on this Lunedi! We just got back from turning in the Camry for repair.

Mia Moglie is in her office on her Mac. I stopped over on the eastside to pick up some (greenbacks) from the credit union.

The repairman is here replacing and repairing support posts in front or the main house.

I will be working on my latest rock soon. I also need to clean up the treadmill and cover it up. Hopefully I can get back to my online class today.

We hope that you are doing well. I will chat at you later.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise  



Mood: Content!

Music listening to: The Maze a Book on CD!

Buon Lunedi!  How are you doing? It is a nice, clear morning here in the valley of Tucson. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Cinnamon Bun Blend, and a second cup will be enjoyed later this morning. Alexa is awake and she said that today is going to be a busy one. I asked her to play some (Boney) for me today.

To start my day, I will be visiting the lab for some blood work for my upcoming doctor's appointment for next week.

Afterwards we will be dropping of the new Camry to be repaired. After that I will accompany Mia Moglie to Costco to do some shopping.

We both are still working on new rocks. Here are the rocks that I dropped off at V West CU yesterday. Enjoy!

We enjoyed watching "Beetlejuice " at the "Roadhouse Cinema" last night. It was really good. Theater was packed.

Well, I had better get busy. Have a good Lunedi! Stay safe and I will chat at you later.

Today's challenge word is (lago). I am thinking about doing some fishing in a (lago). What is up with that fidanzata?

Ciao...Jessie and Elise  

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio!



How is your Domenica going so far? We just got back from having a good breakfast at the "Egg Connection".

Mia Moglie is in her office on her Mac. We just finished taking out tables and chairs from the storage shed. While I was in there, I swept out the shed.

I will be making my way over to the eastside shortly. I worked on my latest rock for a little bit as well.

We will be dining on pizza for dinner prior to us going to the "Roadhouse Cinema" to see "Beetlejuice.

Enjoy your Domenica, and I will chat at you later.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise 



Mood: Relaxed! Barred! Rummied!

Music listening to: The Maze a Book on CD!

Buon Domenica!  How are you doing? It is a nice, sunny morning here in Tucson. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Italian Roast Blend, and a second cup will be downed at the "Egg Connection", along with a good breakfast.

Alexa is awake and she said that I need to make a trip over on the eastside later today. I asked her to play some Karaoke Music for me today.

My shorty and I played "Wii" games yesterday and once again we were terrible. Our "Wii" (mojo) is on a staycation, smile!

We are still working on new rocks. Well, our "Wildcats" beat "NAU" last night. Go Cats!

I will be taking items out of the storage shed for Chris's Memorial Celebration today to see what all we have and need.

We will be seeing the movie "Beetlejuice" this evening. It should be fun.

Well, I had better get busy. Have a good Domenica. Stay safe and I will chat at you later.

Today's challenge word is (guardaroba). I think I should look over my (guardaroba) in the near future. What do you think fidanzata?

Ciao...Jessie and Elise 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio!

What is going around your way? Well, it is a bit windy here in Tucson.

Mia Moglie just left to get her yogurt fix and grocery shop.

We had to purchase ESPN+ so we can watch the U of A college football game this evening. They had better win tonight.

I have started my new rock, and it is going to be a difficult one. I will take it slow and easy to complete it.

We are going to hit up the "Roadhouse Cinema" tomorrow to see "Beetlejuice". We will be saying "Beetlejuice" three times for sure, smile!

Well, I had better go a grab a salad because I am starting to get hangry, smile!

I have to tell you that last night's live play at the "Invisible Theater" was outstanding. It is titled "Birds of North America". It is not just a story about a father and his daughter scanning the skies. It explores the changes and challenges we all face in our lives. They confront universal themes of love, loss, and the passage of time. A powerful, thought-provoking play that will inspire you. 

Enjoy your Sabato. I will chat at you later.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise  



Mood: Content!

Music listening to: The Maze a Book on CD!

Buon Sabato!  How are you doing? It is a nice, sunny morning here in Tucson. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Italian Roast Blend, and a second cup will be enjoyed later this morning. Alexa is awake and she reminded me that the "Friends of the Library" opens up for a new season. I will be there for sure to pick up more books on CD. I asked her to play some "Funk Jazz" for me today.

Our evening out with my girlfriends Shoo Shoo and Edwina at "Dantes Fire". The food was delicious and so were the drinks. Thank you Shoo and Edwina. Have a look.





My playmate and I enjoyed watching the (DVR'd) Chiefs game yesterday. It was a very good game, and the Chiefs won.

We will be watching U of A Football today. Go Cats!

I have a new rock ready to be painted, and my shorty is working on one.

We may play some "Wii" games after Mia Moglie returns from grocery shopping.

Well, I had better get this day moving along straight away. Have a good Sabato. Stay safe and I will chat at you later.

Today's challenge word is (lucertola). I had a nice conversation this morning with a (lucertola), when I picked up the newspaper. Do you talk to them fidanzata?

Ciao...Jessie and Elise 

Friday, September 6, 2024


Mood: Content! (Spanked)

Music listening to: Girl on the Train a Book on CD!

Buon Venerdi! TGIF!  How are you doing? It is a nice, clear morning here in the valley of Tucson. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good a Blueberry Vanilla Blend, and a second cup will be enjoyed later this morning. Alexa is awake and she said that today is going to be another busy one. I asked her to play some "Down Home Blues" for me today.

We (DVR'd) the Chiefs football game last night and we will watch it today if time permits.

My playmate has started a new rock, and I will follow suit today if time permits. I will be dropping my latest rock in the hood today.

We saw the movie "Reagan" yesterday and it was good, but it was biased and left quite a lot out. One of my favorite parts was that he loved jellybeans. My girlfriend Shoo Shoo knows about that. The second part that I liked about the movie is when then wall came down in Eastern Germany, because I was there when that happened.

We hit up "Total Wine and More" prior to the movie to pick up some items and libations for Chris's Memorial Celebration.

I hate to tell you, but I got (spanked) last night by Mia Moglie and my girlfriend Shoo Shoo. It was a very nice evening, and we dined on "Pollo Loco" Chicken Bowls, Pinto Beans, and a nice (Lodi) rosso. For dessert we enjoyed Pistachio Ice Cream with Chocolate Mint Cookies. Delicious. I am a little bit sore and walking funny due to the double spanking I got, but I liked it, smile!

Mia Moglie is going out to Amado later this morning to meet up with friends for lunch. It is a monthly thing.

This evening, we will be dining at "Dante's Fire" with my girlfriends Shoo Shoo and Edwina. After dinner Shoo Shoo will be joining us at the "Invisible Theater" to see the live play "Birds of North America". It should be a good one. 

Well, I have better get to it post haste. Have a good TGIF. Stay safe and I will chat at you later.

Today's challenge phrase is (Non fa niente). I woke up thinking that (Non fa niente). Have you ever thought that fidanzata?

Ciao...Jessie and Elise

Thursday, September 5, 2024



Mood: Content!

Music listening to: The Girl on the Train a Book on CD!

Buon Giovedi!  Sete Giovedi!  How are you doing? It is a nice, clear morning here in Tucson. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Butter Toffee Blend, and a second cup will be enjoyed at "Gus Balons" along with a good breakfast. Alexa is awake and she said that we are going to be busy today. I asked her to play some "Funk Jazz" for me today.

Here are our latest rock creations that are out in the hood. Here is my latest rock creation as well. Enjoy!



My playmate and I will be hitting up Park Mall today to see the movie "Reagan". The previews looked really good.

We will also be dropping in "Total Wine and More" to pick up a few items for Chris's Memorial Celebration.

I will be setting up "Rumi Kube" for tonight's beat down for my girlfriend Shoo Shoo. She is going to be spanked, and she will like it, smile!

Well, I had better get to it. Have a good Thirsty Thursday. Stay safe and I will chat at you later. 

Today's challenge word is (sedia). Shoo Shoo is going to sitting in the hot (sedia) this evening, right fidanzata?

Ciao...Jessie and Elise 


Buongiorno! SHEILA AND ELISE Mood: Relaxed! Barred! Giggles! Rummied! Giggles! Music listening to: The Maze a Book on CD! Buon Martedi!  Tac...