Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Tricky Tuesday!

Good Morning!

Mood: Sleepy!

Music listening to: If I Ain't Got You by Alicia Keys!

   It's a Tricky Tuesday! How are you? I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris.Elise popped up with me this morning like a Pop Tart, smile! Any plans for today?

   The coffee is brewing and I will have several cups this morning due to I didn't sleep well last night. I was awake a 2:45am and  stayed that way until 5:00am.

   Jayne will be here this morning to care for Chris. I will be waiting on return calls from my nurses supervisor and Chris case manager to chat about this caregiver issue.

   Alexa, reminded me that I have a couple of tasks to take care of this morning. I am hopeful that she will hit me up with some down home blues today. Are you preparing for Thanksgiving yet? We have and we have a few more items to pick up for the table setting.

   Well, I had better get busy and get this day moving ahead. Chris is very tense and agitated this morning. I hope that he feels better before Jayne gets here. We starting his annual beard growing yesterday and he will have the beard until February of next year. Our daughter Tangye hates it when we let him grow his beard.

   Have a good Tricky Tuesday. It is going to be a very busy week.

Bore Da.......Jessie and Elise


Loraine said...

Forse puoi dormire questo pomeriggio. Fell better!

Jessie said...

No non puo questo pommeriggio. Occupato a fare telefonate cercando di trovare un'altra agenzia caregiver. Grazie per aver pensato a me.


Buongiorno! Liberty is in Trouble! Thank You Donna  Mood: Content! Music listening to: The Black Box a Book on CD! Buon Mercoledi!  Hump Day...