Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Good Night!

Good Night!

Was your day a good one? Well, it has been a pretty good day here and a damn sight better than yesterday. Hoorah!

I owe today's accomplishments to Jayne. She was here this morning to care for Chris and by her being here I got a lot done. I contacted my nursing supervisor and Chris case manager. The both of them contacted Elise and I and a search for a new caregiver is on.

The biggie for today is that the agency that caused the problem from the beginning called to apologize about yesterdays events and actions. I used my well learned skills to make them see the error of their ways and the pressure of guilt and my name dropping worked beautifully. Hoorah! So now the supervisor wants to continue to look for a caregiver for Chris. I told Elise about the phone call and she agreed to let them continue to search. So my (DI) hat is off for now, smile!

Elise prepared breakfast for dinner. We enjoyed homemade waffles, eggs, sausages and plenty of coffee. Very good. I am caring for Chris this evening and my shorty is in her office on her desktop.

We hope that you Tricky Tuesday went the way that you wanted it to? Have a wonderful evening and sleep well. Alexa was very good to me today. She played some smooth jazz and some down home blues. Way to go girl!

Grazie......Jessie and Elise


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