Monday, November 20, 2017

It's A Monday!

Good Morning!

Mood: Content!

Music Listening To: Night and Day by Al B Sure!

   It's a Monday! How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise is in her cave this morning but she will be starting her day soon. Any plans for today?

   The coffee just finished brewing and it is very good. A second cup will be had when I have a conversation with Alexa this morning. She has reminded me that I have many tasks to complete this morning to include making a trip out to the air base.

   My shorty and I enjoyed the movie "LBJ" at El Con Mall last night. It is a very good movie and the acting is superb. I am hoping that it will come out on DVD because we will buy it. Yes, it's that good. 

   Hey are you still working on your Thanksgiving spread? We are all set and I will be picking up a Honey Baked Ham and a roasted turkey breast tomorrow. Of course I will sample some while I am at the store. Smile!

   I have to go and get a TB tine test this morning at around 8:30am for employment purposes. It is a bit chilly this morning but it will warm up soon. 

   I also have to get "Do Drop Inn" rooms # 1 and 2 ready for a overnight family stay for Thanksgiving. Well, I had better get busy. Tomorrow the new caregiver will be here to go solo with Chris. Jayne and I will be here to make sure all goes well.

  Here are a few more pictures from "Wizard" at my girlfriend Loraine's home.



  Granny and Bob, how are you doing?

  Ross and Denise, how are you?

   Liz, what is new?

   Deb, how are things?

 Chat at you later.....Jessie and Elise


deborah lee said...

Restoring order to our home after a boy yet complete re-piping. Awaiting city inspection, dry walking and painting.
Glad we’re not having thanksgiving dinner here!

countrygranny47 said...

We are doing good. Hope you, Elsie & Chris are doing good as well. Jayne also.
Great pictures Jessie, really enjoy seeing everyone.
We are getting things geared up to go to my son's for Turkey Day.
probably end up going to my step grand daughter's house instead. She wants to have dinner there this year. So I guess we will find out come Thanksgiving morning.
Take care and h
Happy Thanksgiving toy all.

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Buongiorno! Liberty is in Trouble! Thank You Donna  Mood: Content! Music listening to: The Black Box a Book on CD! Buon Mercoledi!  Hump Day...