Thursday, October 25, 2012

Good Night!

Good Night!

How did your day go? Things went well here in Tucson. Chris and Elise both got massages and I picked up my Moretti bier.

We went to the movies to see"Argo" it was very good and well done. Kudo's to Ben Afleck. We recommend this one highly.

Elise is going to prepare cheese crisps for dinner with refried beans, and tamales. We will get it all down with a couple of beers. 

We will watch another episode of "Dexter", it is so good and very addictive. it is about 5:30pm and we are starting to hit the wall already. 

You have a great evening and sleep well. I went thorough the photos today and it want long now before I start to post about our trip.

Cheers.......Jessie and Elise

Tiger, Marcie, Jet, sleep well.

Jane and John, what is new?

Shoo and Stu, how are you feeling?

Loraine, need I remind you to behave?

Tangye, we hope things start to turn around soon.

Kim, we missed you too. Hope that all is well? How is your Mom?

Ross and Denise, how are things?

Rosie, how are you?

Paula and Marty, what is new?

Bobby, enjoy your trip and be careful.

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Ciao! How are you doing? We are good here in windy, rainless Tucson. We just got back from Park Place Mall seeing the movie "Last Breat...