Monday, December 6, 2021

Buona Sera!

Buona Sera!


How did today go for you? It has been a different kind of day today but I got through it.

Started off with a (SNAFU) with Sister Jayne's doctor appointment but it corrected itself. I have had mixed feelings about things for the past few day. I still feel like something is just not right. I will keep my eyes and ears open just in case.

Hey, guess what I did for fun today? You will never guess so I will have to spill the beans, if you will? For some reason I stopped at Krispy Cream Donuts and I bought a dozen glazed. I shared a few with Sister Jayne. I took a bite of one and oh my goodness I was in trouble. Good, Fun, Trouble. Can you believe that? Mio moglie was amazed that I did that. Oh what fun!

I started a new rock today. I prepared Grilled Cheese Sandwich's for dinner. My shorty had avocado and baby carrots with hers and I had ham and baby carrots with mine. It was delicious. We watched "The Power of Dogs" on Netflix with Chris. We are going to watch it again at the movies on Thursday.

I am caring for Chris tonight. He is watching football and downing his supplemental drip. My playmate is in the main house watching the news.

I am looking forward to hearing from my fidanzata about my (fun) day today. Have a good night and sleep well so you can be ready for Taco Tuesday.

Buona Notte.......Jessie and Elise 


Jessie said...

Buona notte fidanzata.

Loraine said...

Il tuo divertimento era meglio del mio divertimento. Mi sono seduto fuori sulla mia sedia a dondolo e ho letto. È stata una bella giornata per stare fuori, ma non è buono come le ciambelle!


Ciao! How are you doing? We are good here in windy, rainless Tucson. We just got back from Park Place Mall seeing the movie "Last Breat...