Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sunday Morning!

Good Morning

Mood: Chillin and Chilly!

Music listening to: The World Is A Ghetto by War. (classic R&B)

Brrrrr! How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:00am looking in on Chris and getting him settled. Elise will be caring for Chris this morning as soon as she leaves her cave and starts her day. Any plans for today?

The coffee is good and hot this morning. We are going to meet our daughter Kim for breakfast this morning at the Egg Connection. Kim will be graduating from the U of A this month. It will be good to see her this morning.

It is a very foggy morning here and the temperature is 35 degrees. We are looking at more rain today and we are going to be under a freeze warning for tonight as well. So no more short sleeves and shorts until next year, eh?

Elise's choral group the Tucson Women's Chorus program was cancelled last night due to our very wet and rainy weather. After Rosemary arrived to care for Chris we went to Casa Molina for dinner. The food was great and the margaritas hit the spot. We came back home and we watched another episode of "Breaking Bad".

We are going to go to the movies this evening after Rosemary arrives to care for Chris. We are going to see J.Edgar starring DiCapprio, and Judy Dench. It should be very good, even though some of the reviewers did not like it at all.

I received a wonderful email from my dear friend and sis Marcie about my book. She is enjoying it very much and it reminds her of her childhood and her parents. She shared many things with me to include a photo of her parents and her at the age of 3 years old. I am looking forward to her final review and I will share that review with all who have read my book. Her review will be added to the original book with the many other reviews that I have received. Thank you so very much Marcie.

Well, I had better get some more coffee and decided what to bundle up in to go out to breakfast. Have a great Sunday all.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a wonderful day.

Jane and John ,how are you. Did the concert go off or was it cancelled too?

Shoo Shoo,how are you?

Liz, what is new?

Loraine, are things OK?

Flo and John, have a good day.

Rosie,what is new?

Ross and Denise, how are you doing?

Shirlene, have a great day.

Susie, how are things going?

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Ciao! How are you doing?  We just got back from having a good breakfast at the Hungry Fox. The meal was very good. Here are a few more pictu...