Monday, November 7, 2011

Good Night

Good Night

Well, the day has just about ended and it is still cold here in the Old Pueblo. John has been here caring for Chris and he will stay overnight with Chris. I got some rest today after I ran all of my errands.

Elise prepared soup for dinner that really hit the spot being that it is cold out. I even took a nap today for a short while. It was cut short by the phone ringing. Elsie at her choral group practicing for the show on 3 Dec 11.

I got a few more reviews today on my book and they have all been outstanding and much appreciated. I even got a request for two more books to be sent out as well. I am going to have to get more printed up.

Elise and I will go over our packing list again tomorrow for our stay-cation in Bisbee and our camping trip to the mountains. We are looking forward to seeing Elaine tomorrow for a short visit and catching up.

Well, I think I will get my Kindle out and read for a while. Have great evening.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a good night sisters.

Jane and John, sleep well.

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