Friday, November 18, 2011

Good Afternoon!

Good Afternoon

How is it going? I just returned from running a quick errand. Elise checking her email right now. She will be hosting a marathon bridge session at 1:00pm. It is rather nice outside temperature wise and it is bright and sunny.

I just boxed up two copies of my book to go out in the mail first thing in the morning. One is going to Florida and the other is headed for Ohio. So do you have any plans set for the weekend?

Well, I had better get back to Chris. Have a great afternoon and stay safe and sound.Later...........Jessie

Here are a few more pics of our camping trip to the mountains in Portal, AZ.

1 comment:

Cheela said...

Love the pictures. I had such a great weekend with you and Elise. Let's do it again soon.

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! 21 Feb Sister Beauty How goes it for you this TGIF?  We are doing ok here in the desert of Tucson. My shorty is in Green Va...