Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Good Night!!

Good Night

It has been a very good day for me. I have talked with a Playboy Bunny, and I am now going to do the bidding of a pigeon. Yes, I said a pigeon and what a good looking pigeon I must say. I normally draw the line when it comes to birds, but this bird has got some skills,smile!

I got some of my books sent out today and I will be sending some abroad tomorrow. I did a little bit of yard work this morning while Angelica was here caring for Chris. I also had a few puter problems today but they have been rectified now.

Elise prepared waffles for dinner with sausages and plenty of hot coffee. It was delicious! I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is checking her email and looking over her files. I am still picturing that pigeon. I hope that she agrees to let me post her pic to our blog.

Well, I had better get back to Chris. Have a wonderful evening.

Cheers to the Playboy Bunny and that Sexy Pigeon.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a good night.

JT,did you receive your copy of my book?

Mary, good to hear from you. Take it easy.

Jane and John, sleep well. I have carrots!

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