Friday, November 1, 2013


Good Afternoon!           

Hey how are you doing? We are good here so far. It has warmed up a little bit. It is 69 degrees. 

Well,the Marathon Bridge game is underway. It was touch and go there for a minute. My girlfriend (Lila) had to put her van in the shop for repairs so I had to drop over to pick her up. She was glad to see me, WooHoo! I got it like that, smile!

As the bidders and shufflers were arriving I took a few candid pics of them as I was taking some perimeter shots of the house. One of the bidders said that they didn't spot any of my for sale signs out. Next bridge game I will make it a point that her car gets sold first. Yes, I will, smile!

I am starting to get hungry. May salad was delicious but now I am starting to get the growling stomach. I can't go to the "Cattletown Steakhouse" with a empty stomach because if that happens I will be washing dishes for sure.

Well, I had better get back with Chris. Chat at you later. I need a margarita or a large Jack and Coke!

1 comment:

Loraine said...

Can't wait to hear about your evening!

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! How are you doing? It is heating up here in the desert of Tucson. We will be hitting the 100-degree mark soon. I think this...