Saturday, July 31, 2010

Saturday Still Wet!! Yes!!

Good Morning

Mood: Floating down Justin Ln

Music listening to: Living In America by James Brown

Wild and Wild here in Tucson. How are you this morning? I started the day off at 5:20am looking in on Chris. Elise is in a canoe next to mine and we are floating down Justin Lane headed for Pima street. We will park our canoes at the McDonalds for a cup of coffee, smile.

Yes, we got rained on again last night with wind, thunder boomers and lightening, it was great. This time I got out in it and took a late night shower, it felt great. The dogs were looking at me like I was some kind of a nut. Any plans for today? Elise will be caring for Chris as soon as she returns from the gym. Elise prepared a very nice dinner last night. We had cheese crisps, salsa, jalapenos, tamales and of course a couple of beers to get it all down. It was great. We watched a Tyler Perry DVD that was really good and funny. After that Elise worked on a crossword puzzle until she got stuck, and I watched a little TV.

After Rosemary left for the night I checked on Chris and I joined Elise in calling it a night. It was nice listening to the rain and wind, a good way to fall asleep. We are going to go out to dinner with Loraine and Jim this evening and after dinner we will go over to their home and play a rousing game of Wizard and have a special dessert made by Loraine. We are going to take along a bottle of Gruet champagne with us. It should be a very nice evening.

Well, I had better check on Chris and grab a second cup of coffee. Have a wonderful day.

See Ya..............

Good Morning Jeanne.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet, let's get this day started. Hey, sisters I am going to send you some questions to answer for me to help me with my Psychology class, OK? I am a student online at Yale University Online and my mid-term is coming up so look for it.

Monna, Congrats!

Rosie, how are you doing?

Loraine and Jim, see you this evening.

Shoo Shoo, how are you?

Friday, July 30, 2010

TGIF It's Wet!!

Good Morning

Mood: Soaked

Music listening to: We Will Be Together by the Supremes (Classic)

TGIF!! How are you this Friday Morning? I started the day off at 5:20am caring for Chris. Elise is floating down Justin Lane this morning but she will up and in dry dock shortly. We finally got the type of rain that we usually get during our monsoon season last night at around 11:00pm. We got buckets of rain, fantastic lightening displays and bone shaking thunder boomers. It was great and I hope that we get more of it today.

Our two rain barrels collectors are full to the brim, the backyard area between the main house and Chris's house was flooded, it really rained. Any plans for today? We have none as of yet but it is a Friday so we will see what develops for us. We went to the movies yesterday afternoon to see " A Letter To Julia" and it is was pretty good for a (chick flick). I was looking around the theater and I was the only male there so I had to lay low in my seat, smile. By me going to see this movie Elise must go with me to see a blood and guts or a horror movie with me to make up for me being to only male watching the (chick flick), YES!!

After the movie we went to have dinner at Picasso's Gourmet Pizza. We shared a bottle of a good Cab, and we shared some appetizers of chipotle wings, and meatballs in sauce and cheese. They were great with some gluten-free bread that looked like pita. We each had a personal pizza. Elise got the Margarita and I got a pepperoni. They have very good pizza there. Elise's pizza was gluten free and mine had a wheat crust. BRAVA!!

We returned home and Elise worked on a crossword puzzle and I watched a little bit of TV until Kecia left for the night. I checked on Chris and we called it a night. A pretty good day. Well, I had better get busy and get this Friday moving along. Have a great day and a wonderful weekend.


Good Morning Jeanne.

Marcie, Jet, Tiger, have a great Friday.

Steph, any plans for the weekend?

Ross, have a good golf weekend.

Shoo Shoo, how are you doing?

Flo, Elise has a little something for you from me. Enjoy!

Rosie, have a good weekend.

Sis. have a good weekend in the (A).

Monna, congrats on you big day.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thirsty Thursday

Good Morning

Mood: Happy

Music listening to: Feels Like by Sade'

How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:20am caring for Chris. Elise is up and heading for the gym this morning. Any plans for today? Chris and Elise will be getting their massages this morning as usual. The coffee is nice and hot this morning and I am thinking about a slice of toast or two.

We had a wonderful evening last night with Jeanne and Angelica. We played a few hands of bridge and yes Jeanne and I lost but it was very neck and neck during the second game. We munched on snacks while we played. We had crackers, cheese, grapes, snow pea pods, celery and of course a few Jack and Cokes, smile.

Angelica prepared a dinner that was excellent. We had stuffed green peppers that were to die for, they were delicious. We also had steamed rice and a variety of sauces to go along with and yes a few more Jack and Cokes. It is always a pleasure to spent time with them up in the foothills of the Old Pueblo. We were so stuffed,we had to turn down the ice cream and cake for dessert. I must tell you for me to turn down some dessert I have to be really full, yes indeed. Thank you so very much Jeanne and Angelica for a great evening even though we lost at bridge.

Elise and I may go to the movies this afternoon when Rosemary arrives to care for Chris. Elise and I played a few games on the Wii yesterday prior to visiting Jeanne. Well, It is a bit cloudy out and I am hoping for the rain that we didn't get yesterday. Have a good day and stay safe. The photos above are of our cactus garden in bloom. Isn't great?

See Ya.....................

Good Morning Jeanne, thank you for a great evening.

Tiger,Marcie, Jet, let's shake it up sisters.

Ross, enjoy you days away.

Shoo Shoo, what is new?

Loraine and Jim are you prepared to be wizardized?

Steph, what is up for today?

Herman, how are things going in Hawaii? Having fun we hope so?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hump Day

Good Morning

Mood: Content

Music listening to: Straight Up by Paula Abdul

Hey another Hump Day! I started the day off at 5:20am caring for Chris. Elise is drifting down the Colorado river this morning on a raft but she will hit some rapids soon and that will get her day started soon. Any plans for today?

I have to run to my office this morning with the usual paperwork to turn in. I will do that as soon as Kecia arrives to care for Chris. I am hoping that we get a bit more rain today, it is cloudy right now and only 74 degrees. The coffee is good and I believe I will have some strawberry yogurt this morning.

We are going to visit Jeanne in the foothills this evening after Rosemary arrives to care for Chris. We will play a few hands of bridge if Jeanne feels up to it. So look out Angelica we are going to bet you and Elise again. Smile! Well, I had better get busy. Have a good Hump Day and stay safe.


Good Morning Jeanne, see you and Angelica this evening.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet, let's get rolling.

Janice and Frank , we are enjoying you trip account.

Ross, what is new Down Under?

Rosie, how are you doing?

Shoo Shoo, enjoy the day.

Loraine, what are you up to?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Good Night

Good Night

The day has just about closed and we got some rain today, yes we did. It rained for about 10 minutes and that was it, but some is better than none, eh? I got my errands taken care of this morning while Kecia was here caring for Chris. Chris and I took it slow and easy after Kecia left and we watched TV and we played on the Wii.

Elise prepared corn on the cob for dinner and it was great. We also had some of those little potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, and red peppers. We watched two episodes of Mash with Chris as well. Elise is not playing bridge this evening so she is catching up on her email right now. I am caring for Chris and he is watching TV and chatting up a storm. He is watching Sanford and Son.

I got an email from my brother Herman today and he and his wife and one of his daughters are in Hawaii and will be there until the 2nd of August. Lucky guy! Elise and I enjoyed our visit to Maui a few years back and maybe we will return soon, who knows? We are going to visit Jeanne of the foothills tomorrow and play some bridge if she is up to it.

Well, I had better check on Chris. Have a wonderful evening and a good Hump Day tomorrow.


Good Night Jeanne, see you tomorrow evening.

Steph, all I can say is ouch,ouch you clobbered me good, smile.

Liz, glad that you had a good time.

Shoo Shoo, sleep well.

Ross, is it still raining around your way?

Tiger,Marcie, Jet, have a good night.


Good Morning

Mood: Hang in

Music listening to: She's A Bad Mama Jamma by Carl Carlson

It's a hot Tuesday morning here in the Old Pueblo. How are you? I started the day off at 5:15am caring for Chris. Elise is still picking up seed pods in her sleep but she will be up and bagging them up for the trash real soon. The coffee is good this morning and I am thinking biscuits this morning, yummy! Any plans for today?

No plans here as of yet, but it is early. A carpet cleaner is suppose to arrive this morning to clean one of the bedroom carpets and the living room as well. We were told by our weather gurus that we had a 50% chance of rain for yesterday and we did not get a drop at all. They are forecasting the same for today. So my guess is that we will receive 10 drops today, smile!

Well, I had better get busy and get this day peculating. Have a good Tuesday and stay safe and cool.


Good Morning Jeanne.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet, get up!

Steph, did you get that Krispy Creame yet? Get two!

Liz, enjoy Houghton Lake.

Shoo Shoo, stay safe.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Good Night

Good Night

The day has come to an end and it has been a pretty good Monday. Chris and I rested most of the day and we played on the Wii for a while and we watched TV. Chris enjoyed his visit with his case manager and yes they wrestled as usual.

Elise prepared breakfast for dinner this evening. We had blueberry pancakes, sausages, and hot coffee. We watched a few episodes of Mash with Chris as well. Before Elise left to play bridge at her Mom's she she tried out a new game on the laptop. It is a combination of crosswords and Scrabble and she loved it.

I am caring for Chris this evening and he is getting very sleepy already, so I had better get him ready for lights out. Hope that your Monday was a good one?


Good Night Jeanne, thank you for the wonderful email today. Hope to see you on Wednesday.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet, sleep well.

Rosie, have a great night.

Liz, Junior Walker and the Allstars are a product of the 60's out of my hometown Detroit. They recorded with Motown.

Ross, how are things? How is Denise and Mum?

Shoo Shoo, goodnight.

Loraine, see you in a few days, eh?

Monday Oh No!

Good Morning

Mood: Adventurous

Music listening to: I am Roadrunner by Junior Walker and the All-Stars (classic R&B)

Beware it is Monday again! How are you? I started the day off at 5:15am caring for Chris. Elise is well still in the land of the lost, but never fear she will use her GPS to start her day for sure. The coffee is good this morning and I am thinking about some eggs, hmmmm! Any plans for today?

We have a 50% chance of rain today,we we see how that develops. Chris's case manager will be visiting this morning at around 10:00am. Chris likes it when she visits because they joke around and they arm wrestle. Come on down rain, we need you badly.

We had a very nice breakfast at IHOP with Mum yesterday and the food was great. We even got some Ciniminon's for Mum she loves them. After Rosemary arrive to care for Chris at 5:00pm we met with Paula and Marty at Zemem's Ethiopian restaurant for dinner. Elise and I and Mum always enjoy the company of Paula and Marty. Our dinner was excellent and the Injera was very, very good and a bit different this time, more spongy. We shared a bottle of red and a bottle of Gruet champagne that was excellent, Mum really likes champagne. We returned home and Elise and I worked on a crossword puzzle for a bit and then she hit the sheets to read for a while. I continued to work on the crossword until Rosemary left for the evening. I checked on Chris and I joined Elise and I continued reading a book that I am just about finished with.

Well, I had better get to it and get Chris ready for his visitor. The photo above is of Elise putting Chris through his paces on the standing frame. Have a good day and beware it is still Monday!


Good Morning Jeanne.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet, let's get this new week started.

Shoo Shoo, how was your weekend?

Paula and Marty, thank you for a wonderful evening we enjoyed it very much. Wasn't the Injera great?

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Good Morning

Mood: Chillin'

Music listening to: Do I Every Cross Your Mind by Brian McKnight

It's a Sunday! How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:00am looking in on Chris. Elise is still counting Javelina's this morning but she will be up and taking charge shortly. Any plans for today? My first order of business is to refill my coffee cup, smile.

We didn't publish our blog yesterday due to I was doing a tee-shirt showing that started at about 7:00am that lasted to 11:30am. My other half was caring for Chris at the time of the showing. After the showing I took over for Elise and she departed for a baby shower. Chris and I relaxed and I cooled down from the heat. We watched TV for while until Elise returned. Rosemary cared for Chris last night. Elise and I also went to visit Jeanne of the foothills. The 22nd was her birthday and we talked with Angelica and we arrived with a b-day card and two floral arrangements for Jeanne. We surprised Jeanne when we went into her room to greet her. You could see the beaming in her face and that is always a pleasure to see.

Jeanne's children were there along with Angelica and her family. Of course we had a Jack and Coke and we were not planning on staying for too long. We were convinced to have a little dinner with them and we did and it was fantastic. We had Chimis, beans that were to die for. We said our good-byes and we left for home. We watched a DVD called the "Greatest" and it was very good and it home for me and it brought back a lot of memories. It stared P.Bronson and Susan Sarandon. After the movie Elise hit the sheets and I watched a little TV until Rosemary left for the night.

We are going out for breakfast this morning with Mum like we do every Sunday morning. We are going to go to IHOP. Later this evening Elise, Mum and I will be meeting Paula and Marty at Zemems for dinner a bottle or two. One of those bottle will be champagne left over from Mum's b-day celebration. Well, I had better get busy and get this day moving forward. Have a good day and enjoy.


Good Morning Jeanne, so good to see you and everyone yesterday.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet, have a good Sunday.

Rosie, always a pleasure to hear from you. Have fun learning Photoshop.

Steph, looks like you had a good visit?

Joe and Mary please accept our deepest condolence's for the loss of your sister.

Sis, have a good upcoming week in the (A).

Shoo Shoo, how are you?

Loraine, what is new around your way?

Jane, how you guys doing?

Flo and John , have a good one.

Ross, I see that the rains have started back up again.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Good Morning

Mood: Rested

Music listening to: Let's Hear If For The Boy by Denise Williams

TGIF!! How are you doing? I started the day off at 4:30am due to the alarm sensor going off indicating that someone or something was around the house, so I just stayed up. Elise is still counting those sheep but she will be up and at it soon. Any plans for today?

I have to run to my office this afternoon and that is about it for me for today so far. Well, we had a very relaxing stay at the Desert Diamond Hotel and Casino. We enjoyed our visit to the casino and we broke even. They have added many new slots since the last time we were there and our favorite slot Lady Bug was not good to us this time. Maybe next time. We played a dollar for our friend Jeanne and her dollar produced $7.80 for her a good win I must say.

We returned home and we unpacked and then we went to the movies to see " Cyrus" it was a different kind of movie but it was very good. After that we went to visit Dena and Bucky for dinner at there home. We took along a bottle of champagne to go along with the meal. What a meal it was let me tell you. We had salad. cold slaw, grilled lamb cubes with grilled orange wedges. It was great. For dessert we had cheesecake and the crust was made of gingersnaps, it was fantastic.

After dinner we played a few rousing hands of " Wizard" and it was a lot of fun and them we switched over to playing Hearts. A very nice evening! We returned home and I relieved Rosemary and after I checked on Chris we called it a night. I am already looking forward to our next adventure for the month of August. We are planning on going to the Phoenix area and while we are there we will visit with JT and Sara.

Well, I had better get back to work and refill my coffee cup. I think I will have a bit of yogurt for breakfast this morning as well. Have a great Friday and stay safe.


Good Morning Jeanne, you lucky lady you.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet, have a great day.

Steph, how are you today?

Ross, you are on a roll.

Joe and Mary, are you still sorting out things?

Flo and John, any weekend plans?

Liz, what is up?

Rosie, have a good one.

Sis, have a good weekend in the (A)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hump Day!!

Good Morning

Mood: Cautious

Music listening to: Rock With You by Micheal Jackson

It's Hump Day in the desert. How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:15am caring for Chris. Elise is still counting sheep this morning but she will be making that move shortly. The coffee is very good this morning and I am thinking about some strawberry yogurt. Any plans for today?

Well, we are all packed and ready to go on our stay-cation at the DDC. We will head out sometime this afternoon. Kecia will be caring for Chris while we are away. We are looking forward to dinner at the casino. We will have their prime rib special that is outstanding.It is a bit cloudy this morning and we may get some more rain and that would be good.

Well, I had better get busy with Chris. Have a good Hump Day and keep the faith.


Good Morning Jeanne, feel better soon.

Monna, so good to hear from you. Enjoy Europe and and congrats on the upcoming wedding. Give a shout out to the boys.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet, have a great day.

Steph, what are you up to today?

Rosie, we hope to get more rain today.

Sis, h0w are you doing in the (A)?

Jerome and Kesha,how are things in Lawrenceville?

Joe and Mary, enjoy the day.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Good Night

Good Night

Another day has closed on us here in the desert. How has your day been? Well, we haven't had any rain today but we may get a few drops tonight. It has been a restful day and that is always a good thing. Elise and I played a few games of Sega Racing on Wii, it was a lot of fun.

Elise prepared breakfast for dinner this evening. We had blueberry pancakes, sausages, and hot coffee, it was very good. I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise just left to play bridge at her Mom's. Well, I had better get back to work. I have to pack for our stay-cation at the Desert Diamond Hotel and Casino. I have our players card at the ready. Wish us luck!

We will have our laptop with us so we can check our email it we get a chance. Have a great evening and sleep well, and think of rain, smile.


Good Night Jeanne, get to feeling better soon.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet, have a good evening.

Ross, you are on a roll today.

Joe and Mary, always good to hear from you.

Flo and John, have a good evening.

Sis, how are things in the(A)?

Rosie, what have you been up to today?

Wet Tuesday!!

Good Morning

Mood: It Rained last night!

Music listening to: Baby,Baby,Baby by TLC

Whoooooopeee!! How are you this morning? I started the day off at 5:20am caring for Chris. Elise is floating down the street this morning because we got rained on last night. We even got thunder boomers and lightening. I want more so I can get soaked,smile.

Any plans for today? I have a couple of errands to run this morning and I will get them done after Kecia arrives to care for Chris. Also we got good news that our friend Sheila nailed it in Douglas, AZ. Sheila was chosen to be the new superintendent of of the school district. Way to go Sheila, congrats!!

The coffee is good this morning and Elise just left to go swimming. Well, I had better get to it while things are going well. Have a great day. Elise and I are going on another stay-cation tomorrow for one day here in Tucson. We will be a the Desert Diamond Hotel and Casino to get our rest on. We are members of the Players Club and they offer us some good deals that we cannot refuse. Have a great Tuesday and stay safe.


Good Morning Jeanne

Tiger, Marcie, Jet, let's get a move on my sisters. How is Blake this morning?

Shoo Shoo, what are you up to today?

Steph, how are you doing?

Sheila, congrats on nailing it in Douglas.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Good Night

Good Night

The day has just about ended and it has been a fair one for a Monday that is. How has your day been? It is 6:30pm and it is 104 degrees, when will the rain arrive? Elise prepared a nice dinner this evening of soup, sandwich, carrots, tomatoes, and cheese curd. Nice and light.

I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise will be leaving shortly to play bridge at her Mum's house. I believe I will have some vanilla ice cream a little later with a little chocolate sauce on it. I got my errands ran today but I will have to go to a locksmith to have a key made for the pick up shell. It has been a restful day. I hope that yours has been a good one too?


Good Night Jeanne.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet, have a wonderful evening.

Janice, you are on a roll today.

Liz, how has your day been today?

Monday Beware!!

Good Morning

Mood: Happy

Music listening to: I Want Her by Keith Sweat

Beware it's a Monday!! How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:15am caring for Chris. Elise is still on our stay-cation but she will be up and about very soon. It is 6:45am and it is 86 degrees and we still have not had any rain,but plenty of lightening, groan! Any plans for today?

Elise and I had a very nice day yesterday. We returned home from our stay-cation and we unpacked the car. We departed for the movies to see "Inception" with DiCaprio and it was great and it lived up to the hype. After that we returned home and Elise prepared dinner a light dinner of BLT's and they were great. Kecia is caring for Chris this evening and her car was delivered today at our house. It is a red convertible Le Baron and she loves it and her daughter does too!

At about 7:00pm Elise and I left for the Loft to see a movie called " I am Love" and it was very good but a bit depressing at times. It was an Italian movie and I love to go to Italian movies so I can brush up on my Italian. We returned home and I relived Kecia and I checked on Chris and we called it a night. It has been a very quiet weekend.

Well, I had better get busy and get this day rolling along. I have to have my tires rotated this morning and I have to get a nail pulled out of one of the front tires as well. What a way to start a Monday, eh? Have a good one.


Good Morning Jeanne.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet, wake up sisters.

Mary, good to read your comments on our blog. Have a great week.

Sis, how was your weekend in the (A)?

Rosie,how are you?

Steph,what is up?

Shoo Shoo, have a good week.

Janice and Frank, glad you are back.

Ross, how was the weekend?

Flo and John, how goes it?

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday Morning

Good Morning

Mood: Relaxed, hungry.

Music listening to: None

How are you? I started the day off at 7:30am. Elise is awake and relaxed. We are at the Courtyard Marriott in the Williams Centre here in Tucson. The coffee is good this morning.

We had a very nice dinner with Mum last night at Cody's Beef and Bean. Mum had chicken fingers, fries and a salad. Elise and I had T-Bone steaks. I had fries and a cup of chicken soup. Elise had a baked potato with a salad. We shared a carafe of Burgundy that was very good. Mum had vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce for dessert, and coffee.

We returned to our room and we relaxed by working out crossword puzzles. We are going to pick up Mum this morning and we are going out for breakfast. Later in the day Elise and I are going to go to the movies. We hope that your day will be a good one and stay safe.

Good Morning Jeanne.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet, have a good one.

Meg and Lois, did you save us a cookie or two?

Shoo Shoo, have a good day.

Flo and John, how is your weekend going?

Herman, thank you again for the great rate.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday Morning

Good Morning

Mood: Upset

Music listening to: Strawberry Letter 22 by The Brothers Johnson

How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:20am looking in on Chris. Elise will be caring for Chris as soon as she returns from the gym. I went out this morning to get the newspaper and come to find out someone had stolen the RV wheel covers off of Chris's van during the night. We got in last night at around midnight and they were there. Also we received a new phone book that was left on the front porch that was not there when we got in last night. I believe that the phone book delivery person took the RV covers. Elise called this morning to file a police report.

Any plans for today? We are going on our stay-cation at the Marriott later in the day. Kecia will be here to care for Chris. We are also going out to dinner with Mum to Cody's Beef and Bean. We are still cooking here in the desert and no rain is in sight. We had a great time last night at Colors and the Live Theater. The play "Cloud 9" was very, very good. We had dinner at Applebee's after the play that was really good. Elise had the Tilapia and I had a fried shrimp platter. Of course we shared a Cab that was pretty good.

Have a good day and stay safe.


Good Morning Jeanne.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet, have a good one.

Herman, thanks again for the rates. We will call you as soon as we check in.

Steph, what did you do for your birthday?

Erika, good to hear from you.

Shoo Shoo, have a good day.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Good Morning

Mood: Content

Music listening to: Erotic City by Prince

TGIF!! I started the day off at 5:15am caring for Chris. Elise is in dreamland but she will be faced with reality shortly. The coffee is good this morning and I am thinking about some toast to go along with it, and maybe some bacon, smile. Any plans for today?

Elise and I went to the movies yesterday afternoon to see Michael Caine in " Harry Brown" it was very good. Later in the evening we picked up Mum and we met Lee, Lois and Toni at Macayo's for dinner. The food was great and the Margarita's were outstanding. While we were enjoying our dinner the clouds were building up nicely and we even saw lightening over the mountains. Did we get any rain? No we did not it fizzled out. When are we going to get some rain?

I have to run a few errands today on the air base this morning. Marv will be caring for Chris this evening. Elise and I are going to go to Colors for a couple of Jack and Cokes this evening prior to going to Live Theater to see "Cloud 9" that has gotten great reviews. After the play we are going to Applebee's for a late dinner.

Tomorrow Elise and I will be on another stay-cation here in Tucson. We will be at the Williams Centre Marriott for one night thanks to my brother Herman who gets us great rates. We have another stay-cation in the works for the 21st of July. We will be at the Desert Diamond Hotel and Casino for one night as well. We need the rest let me tell you, smile.

Well, I had better get to working with Chris. Have a good Friday and a better weekend.


Good Morning Jeanne.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet, have a good one.

Herman thank you for getting us the great rates at the Marriott. We will give you a call after we check in.

Shoo Shoo, have a great day.

Flo and John, have a good day.

Loraine, enjoy your trip. Photos please!

JT, glad that you are back from Virginia.

Steph, any plans for the weekend?

Rosie, what is up?

Ross, how are things Down Under?

Erika, what are you guys doing this weekend?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thirsty Thursday

Good Morning

Mood: Relaxed

Music listening to: None

How are you this morning? I started the day off at 6:30am, yes that is correct. Elise is up and out already this morning, more than likely she is swimming with the fishes. I got to sleep in due to Kecia stayed overnight and she is caring for Chris this morning. Any plans for today?

Elise and I are going to the movies this afternoon and later in the evening we are going out for Mexican food with Mum, Lee, Lois, and Toni. We are going to Macayo's they have the best Margarita's in Tucson. I can taste the beans already.

Chris and Elise will be receiving their massages this morning from Pam as usual. Well, no rain as of yet but we did get some thunder boomers yesterday. It is time for some coffee so I had better get to it. Have a good day and stay safe.

Good Morning Jeanne.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet, wake up.

Shoo Shoo, have a good day.

Flo and John, stay cool.

Monna, enjoy Europe and give our best to all.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hump Day and Still Burning Up

Good Morning

Mood: Simmering

Music listening to: Rock Me Baby by BB King

It's Hump Day!! How are you this morning? I started the day off at 5:45am caring for Chris. Elise is still in the clouds this morning,resting and still not feeling her best. It is 86 degrees at 6:30am, but the coffee is good. Any plans for this Hump Day?

I have to run to my office to turn in some paperwork and other than that I believe it will be a day of rest for Elise and I. Kecia will be here this morning to care for Chris. Well, I had better get to it. Have a good Hump Day and stay safe.


Good Morning Jeanne, hope that you are feeling better today?

Tiger, Marcie, Jet, have a good day.

Flo and John, always good to hear from you.

Sheila,we are glad that you enjoyed yourself at Mum's b-day gathering it was good to see you.

Shoo Shoo, what is new?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Good Night

Good Night

Well, the day has come to an end and it has been a very hot one, let me tell you. Elise returned home from playing bridge this afternoon and she is sick. She has a sore throat and aches and pains, but no fever. She is taking it easy she feel asleep within minutes of her return home. Kecia has left for the day and I am caring for Chris and checking on Elise every now and then.

I believe that she wore herself down getting Mum's birthday events together. It took a lot out of both of us and it was a lot of work involved to make sure that things went well. After dinner she will be returning to bed to rest. At the Arizona Inn there were 10 people and at the gathering in our home there were well over 30 people, so we were very busy.

Elise is not going to play bridge at her Mom's tonight and that is a true sign that she is not feeling well. I called Mum to let her know that Elise would not be playing tonight. Well, I had better get busy with Chris. Have a good night.


Good Night Jeanne, get better we will miss seeing you tomorrow.

Tiger, Marcie, take a break sisters.

Jean, glad that you liked the wanted sign.

Shoo Shoo, have a good evening.

Loraine, keep busy and stay safe.

Howdy It's Still Hot!


Well we are still cooking here in Tucson and the wind is blowing and no rain is in sight. HELP!!

Here are a few more photos from Mum's b-day gathering.



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