Monday, June 29, 2020

Buona Sera!

Buona Sera!

Was your day a good one? It has been a fair day for a Monday.

Chris enjoyed his massage this afternoon from Rosemarie. Chris has developed an issue at his G-tube site that I will have to keep an close eye on. My shorty and I are treating the area with anti-bi's. I also replaced his G-tube to be on the safe side.

I prepared grilled ham and cheese sandwiches for dinner. We also has baby carrots and pickle spears. It was very good. We watched "Game of Thrones" on Netflix with Chris.

I am caring for Chris this evening and my shorty is watching the news on TV. Chris is watching the Big Bang and enjoying his dinner.

I started a new rock today and it is just about finished. I have to say that it came out way better than I thought it would. Two Thumbs up! So good that I am going to pop open my pony keg of Warsteiner. I will enjoy a good ice cold glass full. Prost!

Tomorrow is going to be a very busy day for me. I have to get things set up for my upcoming continuing medical education classes that start on 1 July. 

We hope that you have a good night. Sleep well!

Buona Notte....Jessie and Elise

Erika, good to hear from you today. Stay safe.


Jessie said...

Buona Notte fidanzata.

Loraine said...

Spero che la birra sia stata spettacolare!


Ciao! Hey, how is your "Humper" going so far? I slept better than I did the night before, but my sleep is still not the same. I wa...