Sunday, July 8, 2012



   How are you? Elise is caring for Chris at the present time and Chris is enjoying that. She is giving him a bio-feedback treatment.

   We had a very nice breakfast at "Teresa's" this morning. We were joined by our daughter Kim. It is always a pleasure to see her and to her what she has been up to. 

    Bobby called earlier to cancel due to he was not feeling well at that time. We got a nice surprise after we were seated and waiting to be served. Bobby showed up and he said that he needed coffee and that he thought that getting out may help to make him feel better. We were glad to see him and he got to meet our Kim. 

    Bobby and I had Chorizo con Huevos and Elise had Divorced eggs her favorite dish there. I don't recall what our daughter had but it looked very good.

    We enjoyed looking at Kim's pics of her recent camping trip to the White Mountains. We are trying to convince her to join us in November for our trip to Las Vegas and to bring Carlos (her boyfriend) along as well. Bobby will be there with us as well.It should be a fun trip.

    After Chris is finished with his bio treatment Elise is going to prepare with my help of course a special dinner. We will be having Grilled Pork Chops with a basil-garlic rub. The chops are one inch thick and when I bought them from Rincon Market I was thrown into shock at what they cost. I got six of them just in case we would like to try them again in the near future, smile.

   We are having baked potatoes and sweet peas along with them. Are you drooling yet? I am for sure.Later after Rosie arrives to care for Chris this evening we are going to the "Crossroads" theater to see a movie suggested by Jane and John. I will post a couple of pics from our visit to "Teresa's" in our next posting.

   Well, I had better get those pots and pans ready so we can burn up something in the cucina. Stay safe............Later
Jessie and Elise

1 comment:

bobby said...

It was so much fun meeting Kim and getting out did help a lot. The restaurant was fun and the company incomparable....and how sweet of Elise to treat...thank you!

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! 21 Feb Sister Beauty How goes it for you this TGIF?  We are doing ok here in the desert of Tucson. My shorty is in Green Va...