Monday, May 6, 2013

Good Night!

Bobby at the Gaslight.
The Gaslight Band
Good Night!    
Nicolette at the Gaslight.

Well, the day is almost over. How was yours? I got my errands taken care of early this morning.

Chris and I rested most of the day. We spent a little time outside and that made him happy.I still feel tired and worn out. I hope whatever is going on passes soon.

I need to get packed of our trip to Mexico. Holla! We hope that you evening will e a peaceful one.

Cheers.....Jessie and Elise

PS: The pics are of Bobby and Nicolette at The Gaslight Theater.

Tiger, Marcie,Jet sleep well.

Loraine, I am going to really take it slow and easy in Mexico for sure.

Jane and John, have a good night.

Erica, thank you for that great picture of the family, Wow!

Shoo and Stu, stay safe.

1 comment:

Loraine said...

Does that mean no margaritas??? Or no physical activity and LOTS of margaritas?

Buon Pomeriggio!

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