Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday Morn

Good Morning

Mood: Concerned, Disappointed

Music listening to: Bad Mama Jama by Carl Carlton

How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:30am caring for Chris. As you know normally Elise would be caring for Chris this morning but she is still under the weather with sinus problems and a cough. So to prevent this from spreading to Chris I am caring for him. Any plans for today?

Hey, how about those Wildcats? Wasn't that a good double overtime game? Go Cats! I just checked on Elise and she has a nice tune going on but I gave her a shake to awaken her to see if we are still going out to breakfast with Mum, and yes we are. We are going to a place called Alices Country Kitchen, they have good food there.

We had a wonderful evening with Lorraine and Jim last night at Zemams Ethiopian restaurant. We enjoyed three samplers and the Injera made from Teff was excellent as usual. We down all of the delicious food with a bottle of red for us and a white for Lorraine and Jim. A excellent gathering.

After dinner Elise and I went to the Invisible Theater to see a live two person play called Iron Kisses and it was excellent and the theater was packed. After the play we stopped in the Outback to have a Walla-b-Darn and it was great and we both got brain freeze from drinking it. We got home and I checked on Chris and we called it a night.

Well, I had better go and see what Elise is up to. Have a good day and a better tomorrow.


Good Morning Jeanne. How about those Cats?

Tiger and Marcie, look alive.

Sherry, it was good to hear from you. Have a good day.

Lorraine and Jim, thank you for a fantastic evening at Zemams.


Loraine said...

I enjoyed your blog and plan to follow what's happening in your life. I passed your address on to Jim and know he will enjoy your posts too.

Susie of Arabia said...

Hey, gotta love that photo of you in the shemagh!!! It becomes you! I gotta tell you, it made my day seeing that pic.

Jessie said...

HI Susie,

I have gotten so many good comments about the shemagh and that is great.A wonderful gift from you, thanks.


Buongiorno! 22 FEB THANKS DONNA Mood: Baked! Giggles! Muffined! Rummied! Midnight Special! Giggles! Music listening to:  A Desirable Residen...