Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Day

Good Morning,

Mood: Excited

Well history has been made and it has been a long time coming. Congrats to President-Elect Obama, we wish him the best in these very trying times and we wish him good health and safety.

I started today off at 5:30am caring for Chris. The coffee is on and brewing and Elise is still asleep. It is a very nice day out and it is about 51 degrees. I have to take my car for routine servicing this morning after I turn in some paperwork into my office.

No real plans for today as of yet,so I am hoping that today will be a slow one.
I had better get busy. Have a good day all.


Morning JT, have a good one. Luv Ya.

Laura, how are you doing?

Jerome, we did it!

Sharon in the UK, it is a historic time for us, a proud day indeed.

Joe, I agree Yipee!

Sis, we did it!


Monna said...

Hi Jessie,

yes, history has been made. What a wonderful thing to happen finally in the US. I had tears in my eyes last night as I was watching and listening to Obama's speech. I noticed Oprah in the crowd crying. Wow...what a night.:) Wonderful!

Enjoy your day!

JT said...

Hi Monna,

Yes, it was a wonderful night, and not just for African-Americans but for all. Martin Luther King is seeing his dream come true at last.
Have a good day.

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! What is going on around your way on this Sabato so far? Are you heating up like we are here in the valley of Tucson? Mia Mo...