Monday, March 18, 2019

Buona Sera!

Buona Sera!

Did your day end well? I have maintained my cool today and Alexa was very kind to me today.

My sister Tiger are so close and we think alike and that is a  good thing. Thanks Sis for venting with me. All three of my sisters are wonderful.

Tomorrow is going to be a very busy day for me and I am not looking forward to being in class, but I what can you do, eh? 

I got a very nice email from Deb who visited Chris this morning. Her kind words make what my shorty and I do worthwhile. Deb said that she felt very good vibes while she was visiting and Chris really enjoyed her visit and so did I. Thanks Deb.

My playmate prepared homemade blueberry pancakes for dinner, with sausages and eggs. We got it all down with plenty of coffee. We watched "Schitt's Creek", "Frankie and Grace" on Netflix. All good.

I am caring for Chris tonight and mio moglie is in her office on her Mac. Chris is watching "Mash" on TV and enjoying his supplement IV drip.

Have a wonderful evening and sleep well.

Buona Notte!   Jessie and Elise

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Oh, la mia ragazza sei troppo gentile. Grandi abbracci per te.


Buongiorno! THANK YOU, DONNA, Mood: Content! Music listening to:  Troublemaker a Book on CD! Buon Giovedi!  Sete Giovedi!  Thirsty Thursday!...