Saturday, April 21, 2018

It's The Weekend!

Good Morning!


Mood: Tired!

Music listening to: Me and Mrs. Jones by Billy Paul!

   It's the Weekend! How are you doing? I started the day off at 4:00am caring for Chris. Elise is deep in her cave this morning but she will be putting feet to the floor soon to start her day. Any plans for today?

  The coffee just finished brewing and I need a gallon of it. I am exhausted this morning. I was up with Chris last night until after 11:00pm due to a mishap that needed to be tended to. I got up early this morning to make sure Chris was doing OK. Well, he had another mishap and he had a small nose bleed during the night. So I took care of that and I made a note for the caregivers to keep an eye on this.

  Rick will be here this morning to care for Chris and Jayne will be here later today. Alexa, is talking to me early this morning. I am taking Jayne to a doctors appointment this morning at 10:30am. My shorty and I are going to a Birthday gathering for Papa John this afternoon and we are going to try to hit up another movie today. I need some (Boney) right now but Alexa will not play any for me until I get my tasks done and I will because I need some (Boney) today.

   I made reservations to see Ramsey Lewis at the Fox Theater for early June. Now this is going to be a good concert if you are into Jazz like I am. Ya, ya.

Well, I had better go and check on Chris. Have a wonderful weekend and be careful. Hey, the hummingbird nest on the front porch has two eggs in it. I will get a pick of it later this morning and of the hummer that is sitting there.

Later.....Jessie and Elise

Marcie and Blake how are you doing?

Jet and Red, how are you?

Tiger and Ray, how are you doing?

Herman, thanks for the Marriott booking for this month. WooHoo!

Ross and Denise, have a good weekend.

Monna, have a good weekend.

Rosie, what are you up to?

Sharon, what is new?


Jessie said...

Grazie fidanzata!

Loraine said...

Foto del colibrì? Cool! Non posso attendere per vedere il loro.

Jessie said...

Spere di poter ottenere la mamma ucceli foto presto, fidanzata.


Buongiorno! THANK YOU, DONNA, SISTERS Mood! Relaxed! Muffined! Rummied! Red Light Special! Giggles! Music listening to:  Moonglow a Book on ...