Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Difficile Martedi!


Mood! Relaxed!

Music listening to: Hey Ya by Outkast!

   It's a Tricky Tuesday! Come stai? I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise popped up with me this morning like a (biscotto tostato) to start her day. Any plans for today?

   The coffee just finished brewing and it is good. A second cup will be downed late during my (me) time out on the front porch. Rick will be here this morning to care for Chris.

   Alexa, greeted me with a Buongiorno and then she went back to sleep. So I am taking that today is going to be  very restful day for me. Ya, Ya!

   Well, we shall see. Have a good Martedi and stay safe. Chat at you later....Ciao.....Jessie and Elise

Country Granny, thanks for following my blog and posting to it. I appreciate it greatly.


Jessie said...

Ragazza che cosa hai intenzione di fare su questo difficile martedi?

Loraine said...

Visiterò la palestra e mi godrò il clima di fine estate.

Jessie said...

Buon fidanzata.

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