Friday, October 24, 2014


Good Morning!               

Mood: Content!

Music listening to: Oh! Sheila by Ready For The World

   It's a TGIF! How are you? I started the day off at 4:45am caring for Chris. Elise is deep in her cave this morning so she will not be popping up anytime soon. Any plans for today?

   The coffee is freshly brewed and I have my cup at the ready position. We had a wonderful evening at the "Gaslight Theater" with Donna and Angelica. We saw the play "Cronan" it was very good a filled with laughs. We enjoyed vino, salad, and pizza. We are looking forward to a return visit.

   I have a couple of errands to run this morning. Elise and I purchased a Eclipse Sun Shade for our Fiat 500L and we had it installed on the spot.

   Marv will be here this evening to care for Chris. We are going to "La Parilla Suiza" for a light dinner and cocktails. After dinner we are going to the "Live Theater Workshop" to see the play "9 Parts of Desire". It is a one women play portraying nine different Iraqi women in monologues. It has received great reviews.

   Well, I had better get to work with Chris. I will post more about to Mexico later this morning. Have a great TGIF!
Cheers......Jessie and Elise

Tiger, Marcie, Jet stay safe.

Loraine, have a good day.

Jane and John,have a good trip.

Mary and Bob, how are you?

Flo and John, be careful.

Marilyn, what are you up to?

JT, have a good day.

Rosie,have a good one in Melbourne.


Loraine said...

Good days are always my goal.

Love the graphic of the beautiful woman with the roving eyes. (=:

Jessie said...

That's my girl!


Ciao! MY DEAR FRIEND ROSIE IN MELBOURNE Are you still cold? We desert dwellers are. When are we going to heat up? Our daughter and son-in-la...