Monday, October 27, 2014

It's A Monday!

Good Morning!                   

Mood: Cranky!

Music listening to: Hold On by Santana

   It's a Monday! Beware! How are you? I started the day off at 4:45am caring for Chris. Elise is so deep in her cave this morning that she didn't hear the the alarm clock blasting away in her office. I heard it in Chris's house, so I went over and I shut it off. Wow, and no boinking was involved, smile!

  The coffee is good and I am thinking about scrambled eggs for some reason. Chris is being very vocal this morning for some reason. Any plans for today?

   I have nothing planned for today so I am going to try to take it slow and easy but it is a Monday!

   Well, my Royals let me down with a loss to the Giants last night. My brother Herman and I have our standby tickets for the next game. Once again I will be pitching and Herman will be catching and making the pitch selections. We have got to tie this series up. Go Royals. Elise is on cloud nine with a fork and steak knife in here hand. I have got to stop that for sure. Do they serve steak at Burger King? Smile!

   Elise and I saw the movie "St. Vincent". This is an excellent movie and it lives up to it's four star rating. Bill Murray is exceptional. We recommend this one.

   Well, I had better get busy with Chris. Have a great day and enjoy.
Later...Jessie and Elise

Tiger, Marcie, Jet enjoy the day.

Loraine, on my way to Kansas City to meet up with my brother Herman for the next game.

Jane and John, have a good one.

Sis, good to hear all is well in the ATL.

Mary and Bob, enjoy.

Flo and John, stay safe.

Monna, have a good day.

Herman, see you soon. I will be bringing the heat.

Ross and Denise, have a good one.

Shoo and Stu, have a great day.

Rosie, glad to here that the PC classes went well.

JT, have a good one.


1 comment:

Loraine said...

Enjoy the necessary flight!

Buon Pomeriggio!

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