Monday, October 27, 2014

Good Night!

Good Night!

Well, how has your day been? It has been a pretty busy day for me this morning. I ran a couple of errands, did some yard work along the front curb area, and watered a few plants. Whew?

Elise prepared "Ramen" for me and a gluten free rice macaroni and cheese for herself. We watched " In Plain Sight" on "Netflix" with Chris. He enjoyed the two episodes that we watched.

I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is in her office on her desktop. Elise will be leaving shortly for the "Tucson Women's Chorus practice.

I will be packing a small suitcase for my flight out to Kansas City. I will be on standby to pitch for the Royals.I will meet up with my brother Herman who will be taking on the catcher's duty. We will be making sure that our Royals win and tie up the series.If not I will have to take Elise to Sullivan's Steakhouse for a victory dinner. This place will require me to take out a loan to pay for her meal. I will just have bread and water, smile! Go Royals!

Have a good night and sleep well.
Cheers....Jessie and Elise

Tiger, Marcie, Jet sleep well. Marcie you are in my thoughts.

Loraine, look for me on the field tomorrow.

Jane and John, looking forward to hearing from you tomorrow when you get in.

Mary and Bob, sleep well.

Flo and John, have a good evening.

Shoo and Stu, have good night.

Paula and Marty, welcome home.


Loraine said...

I'll be watching for you!

Jessie said...

Thanks. I will be bringing the heat.


Ciao! How are you doing? We are good here in windy, rainless Tucson. We just got back from Park Place Mall seeing the movie "Last Breat...