Saturday, March 21, 2020



Mood: Cautious!Gummied! Rummied!

Music listening to: Oh Sheila by Ready For The World!

  Buon fine settimana! How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise is once again lost in her cave and I may have to venture in to get her out so she can start her day. Any plans for today?

  The coffee is a good Colombian Blend and yes a second cup will be the order of the day. Sister Jayne will be here this evening to care for Chris.

  Alexa, is awake and she is telling me that I need to make a trip over on the eastside to get some paint pens for our #Hide Tucson Rocks project. I asked Alexa to play some "Down Home Blues" for me later today.

  I am going to drop some more #Hide Tucson Rocks around Tucson today while I am out and about which will be for a very limited time. I am going to continue to stay indoors at home as much as I can because I still have a headache, stuffy nose and that blah feeling. I think that the self-quarantine is a good protective measure.


  Well, I had better go and see if my playmate has made it to the entrance to her cave yet. Have a buon fina settimana and stay safe.

Ciao....Jessie and Elise


Jessie said...

Buongiorno fidanzata e Capo Jim?

Loraine said...

Mi dispiace che non ti senta ancora bene. E sì, devi rimanere in salute. Cosa farebbero Chris ed Elise se voi foste infettati da "the yuch stuff" in giro?


Ciao! Have you warmed up yet desert dwellers? If not, I get it because I am still shivering. I got my errand taken care over on the eastside...