Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Buona Sera!

Buona Sera!

How are you? We are still waiting on the rain. What is up with that?

It has been a very difficult day but I always get through them. This head cold has really got me down. I am going to give myself a nebulizer treatment before I hit the sheets. I am also going to enjoy a nice healthy shot of whiskey to boot! Cheers!

My appetite is not good but I forced my self to eat this evening. We watched "Hawaii 5 O" with Chris this evening.

Hey my playmate's Love Rock has found a new home somewhere in the Tucson and that is good. My shorty is working on rock that is going to be spectacular. I will start a new one tomorrow if I feel better. It is very relaxing to do them. I still need to get my Zombie Pickle Ball out in Tucson as well.

Have a good night an sleep well. I will chat at you tomorrow.

Buona Notte...Jessie

Thanks to my fidanzata and my sisters for wishing me well. Grazie!


Jessie said...

Grazie ragazza. Lo apprezzo molto.

Loraine said...

Sono d'accordo. Il whisky è la chiave. Non può far male!

countrygranny47 said...

Good Morning Jessie,
I do hope your feeling better today.
Keep well my dear friend


Ciao! Have you warmed up yet desert dwellers? If not, I get it because I am still shivering. I got my errand taken care over on the eastside...