Thursday, March 19, 2020



Mood: Content!

Music listening to: You Give Good Love by Whitney Houston!

  Buon Giovedi! How are you? I started the day off at 4:45am caring for Chris. Elise I way deep in her cave this morning and I may have to send in a search and rescue them in to locate her. Any plans for today?

  The coffee is a good French Vanilla and a second cup will be enjoyed after I locate Elise. Hey how about that rain yesterday? It was very nice wasn't it? It so going to be cold for the next couple of days here in the valley.

  Sister Jayne will be here this morning to care for Chris. Alexa, is awake and she is asking me what can she do for me today? I almost passed out when she asked me that because it is always her telling me what I need to get done daily. So I asked her to play some Boney for me today and she agreed. Wow!

  My playmate are still enjoying our #Hide Tucson Rock project very much. It keeps us from getting cabin fever since we are pretty much homebound due to (Corona). I am sure that we will work on a few more today. Can you believe no "Gus Balones" this morning? Shocking! So we are spreading our happiness rocks around the hood and in various places around town. We have gotten some very nice feedback about our work. Here are a few that are going out today. Enjoy!

  We enjoyed  Papa Murphy's pizza last night for dinner. It was all good and we watched a movie on Netflix. Of course we enjoyed a few Jack and Cokes as well. 

  Well, I got to use my Stealth/Ninji skills yesterday morning to secure some extra TP and paper towels. I was joined by Sister Jayne and her Mum on this mission. The were not (stealth) but they did very well, smile!

  Well, I had better check on Chris and see if I can locate my shorty in her cave. Have a great day and stay safe, happy and healthy.

Ciao....Jessie and Elise


Jessie said...

La ragazza del Buongiorno! Come va? Si, le rocce ci stanno aiutando a superare la giornata ed e molto divertente. Stai gia cominciando as avere un po' di febbre da cabina? Ci mancano davvcero tutte le cose che facevamo, vero?

Loraine said...

Sono uscito anche ieri e ho fissato gli scaffali vuoti. Oh bene, era qualcosa da fare.


Ciao! Have you warmed up yet desert dwellers? If not, I get it because I am still shivering. I got my errand taken care over on the eastside...