Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Buona Sera!

Buona Sera!


How are you doing tonight? We are good here and it has been a very good restful day here. 

I got plenty of rest today that was needed a lot. I got to work up some new #Hide Tucson Rocks today and so did Elise. Here they are. They will go out tomorrow and they will be placed at the Cortez location. We will no longer place them in the hood due to possible fears of Corona virus. Our rocks our sanitized before we use them. Our group is 11,000 strong here in the Old Pueblo. Hopefully the scare will disappear soon.




I am caring for Chris tonight and my shorty is in the main house watching TV before she hits up her Mac.

We enjoyed homemade blueberry pancakes for dinner, sausages, eggs and plenty of coffee. We watched "Outlander" on Netflix with Chris.

Have a great evening and sleep well and I will chat at you tomorrow.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise


Jessie said...

Grazie un milione de ragazza. Ci stiamo divertendo con le rocce e i membri del gruppo #Hide Tucson Rocks amano il nostro lavoro. Dormi bene!

Loraine said...

Passa anche una buona notte.


Ciao! Have you warmed up yet desert dwellers? If not, I get it because I am still shivering. I got my errand taken care over on the eastside...