Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio!

How are you? We are good here in central Tucson.

I just got back from my eye exam and  all is well, except for a very, very small cataract in each of my eyes. The doctor said I have no need to worry about it. I am also starting to take a eye vitamin starting tomorrow.

I do know that I am having a hard time typing this due to my eyes are still dilated. I hope that they get better before we hit the casino, smile! I don't want to miss a Cha Ching!

We hope that you are doing OK? I wanted to start backup on my #Hide Tucson Rock but it will have to wait until tomorrow.

Chat at you later.

Fidanzata, be listening for the "Cha Ching".

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Ciao! Have you warmed up yet desert dwellers? If not, I get it because I am still shivering. I got my errand taken care over on the eastside...