Saturday, June 23, 2018



How goes it? It is really heating up outside here in Tucson. Wow, I need to get in the Jacuzzi and cool down. I will a bit later for sure.

I finished all of my tasks on my To Do List and that is always a good thing for me. I am listening to some Smooth Jazz from Sacramento, Ca. Alexa is a happy girl today and that is a plus.

My playmate is out grocery shopping. When she returns we will fine tune what needs to be done for this evening's "Wizard Fest". My (fidanzata) is really trash talking at me about the outcome of this evenings major social event. It is going in one ear and right out of the other. I am in a zone right now and I will not be defeated. I am the number one draft pick to win tonight. Ya,ya!

Dinner is going to be good and my playmate has a surprise for our guests (losers) for after the game. We hope that your day is going like you want it to?

I received a nice video poem from Sister Jayne today that I haven't heard or read in quite some time. I brought back a lot of memories for me. It is a poem by Maya Angelou titled "I Rise" and it speaks volumes to me and I am sure many others. Thanks Jayne for sending it to me. I enjoyed it again. As a matter of fact I think that I am going to make the title my mantra. Ya, ya!

Chat at you later. Stay cool!



Jessie said...

Si, e ora di agire. Basta parlare e lasciare che l'abilitia parlare da se'.

Loraine said...

Hai molte abilità meravigliose, mio buon amico, ma vincere al Wizard stasera non è uno di quelli.


Ciao! How are you doing? We are good here in windy, rainless Tucson. We just got back from Park Place Mall seeing the movie "Last Breat...