Friday, April 20, 2012

TGIF!! WooHoo!

Good Morning   

Mood: Cautious

Music listening to: Tick Tock of the Clock

     TGIF!! How are you doing? I started the day off at 4:00am due to Lampchop was having a barking fest so I got up and I saw nobody at all. Elise is not in her cave this morning but she will be up later to start her day rolling along. Any plans for today?

      I haven't had my coffee as of yet but I will as soon as I grind up some beans and put the kettle on. I need it badly it is just way to early to be up, eh? Along with my coffee I will have a bowl of oats as well.

      We went to see "Woman In Black" yesterday and it was surprisingly good. It keep us on the edge of our seat the whole time. Elise and I were the only ones in the theatre and that was creepy.

      We returned home and I was really tired from working in the yard earlier in the day. I trimmed the hedges and I trimmed the Ivy as well. It was a lot of work and it drained me big time and the sun and the heat did not help at all. Elise went to her doctor's appointment and I sat down for a bit.

      Elise returned and she prepared cheese crisps, refried beans, lettuce, tomatoes, jalapenos, and salsa for dinner. It was very good and we had plenty of cold cervasa's to get it all down. We watched the remake of "Arthur" it was pretty good and funny. It starred Elise's favorite actress Helen Mirren.

      After the DVD Elise hit the sheets to read and I watched TV until Rosie left for the night. I checked on Chris and I hit the sheets as well. I was all set to read my Kindle but I was just to tired so I went to sleep.

       Elise is hosting a marathon bridge game this afternoon and I have to remember to get the tables and chairs out of the storage shed this morning. I will be the host this afternoon of a game called " Buy One, Get One Free". It will start right after Elise's bridge session begins. So if you are in the market for a good used car just stop on by. If you buy on car you get a second one for free. It's a deal! I will be showing several makes and models so come on down! This game will on only be played for one hour and be prepared to haggle with a few bridge players but you have to be smart because they are experts at bidding, smile. Tax, title and license are the sole responsibility of the buyer. Any problems with the DMV and the local police will require a lawyer. All sales are final.

     Well, I had better go and put the kettle on and get this day started. The above pics are the latest of lour Hummer. Have a great Friday and enjoy! We are also going to a gathering of past schoolmates of Elise's this evening.

Later........Jessie & Elise

Tiger, Marcie, Jet wake up sisters. Jet keep on resting.

Jane and John, take it slow and easy.

Loraine, have a great day. I am doing 50 shuffles a day so lookout.

Erika, have a wonderful day.

Shoo and Stu, have a good one.

Rosie, have a great day.

Ross, what are you guys up to?

Shirlene, stay safe.


1 comment:

Loraine said...

Great pics. Love the eggs in the nest.

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! 21 Feb Sister Beauty How goes it for you this TGIF?  We are doing ok here in the desert of Tucson. My shorty is in Green Va...