Sunday, April 29, 2012

A New Year Starts Today!

Good Morning   

Mood: Wonderful

Music listening to: Happy Birthday To Me

      Happy Birthday To Me! I started another year today and I am very happy and blessed to be here. I want to thank God for allowing me to wake up this morning and to start this new year off feeling loved, blessed and grateful.

     I would like to thank my loving wife Elise for making this day and every day a special one for me. She keeps me going and she keeps me strong.

     I would like to thank my family and my many friends for sharing this day with me. I have received many cards, emails, gifts, gift cards, dinners, and much love from you all. This is a day that I will never forget.

    This afternoon Elise is taking me to see the Arizona Repertory Singers. I know that this will be special because  we have listened to them sing before. As a matter of fact one of the members whose name is John and his son will be singing today. We had dinner with John and his lovely wife Jane last night.

     Later in the evening Elise is taking me along with Bobby to eat Mexican food at El Charo's. The food there is excellent and yes we will be saying dos margarita's por favor! Smile!

     As you can see I have a full day today. I don't know if I am going to be able to post our Vegas trip but I will try to fit in. Again I want to thank everyone for making my birthday a very special one. The topper is that we have a Grand Niece named Ava, and that makes it all worth while.
Later......Jessie & Elise

1 comment:

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! 21 Feb Sister Beauty How goes it for you this TGIF?  We are doing ok here in the desert of Tucson. My shorty is in Green Va...