Monday, October 1, 2018




How are you? Well, the rain was here and it went just as fast, eh? They say that more is on the way. Really?

I enjoyed my (me time) out on the front porch and the little drizzle was nice while it lasted.  I am loving the drop in the temps though. So nice!

Well, it is a true Monday for sure. We are having problems with Chris's new wheelchair already. The shoulder harness keeps riding up toward his neck and the headrest is not strong enough to take pressure that he puts on it. It is bent already and it wants to keep turning when he moves his head to the right. I contacted the tech office and they are supposed to give us a return call to set up a visit to have a look and or make adjustments to the chair.

Chris is relaxing listening to his stereo and I am about to play catch up on my email. Hope that you are doing well? Have a tongue wag at you later.

See ya....Jessie

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Non uno credo che la pioggia li ha messi a dormire per un po', eh?


Buongiorno! THANK YOU, DONNA, Mood: Content! Music listening to:  Troublemaker a Book on CD! Buon Giovedi!  Sete Giovedi!  Thirsty Thursday!...