Friday, October 26, 2018

Buongiorno! Buon Venerdi!


Mood: Blessed!

Music listening to: Can I Talk To You by Jodeci!

   Buon Venerdi!  How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise is deep in her cave this morning but she will be putting feet to the floor soon to start her day. Any plans for today?

   The coffee just finished brewing and my cup is filled to the rim. A second cup will be enjoyed later this morning. Sister Jayne will be here this morning to care for Chris and Marv will be here this evening.

   My playmate and I saw the movies "El Royal" and "Old Man With A Gun". They both were very good. We are going to Happy Hour this evening at "La Parrillia" Suiza" and after that we are going to the "Live Theater Workshop" to see the play "Death By Design". Can you say margaritas? We will for sure, ya, ya!

   I will start to post some of the picks later this morning after Sister Jayne arrives to care for Chris. How about those Red Sox? My (moglie) watched me as I prepared my napkin, knife, fork and spoon that I am going to use for my victory dinner in Tubac at "Wisdom's". If they win tonight I will get out my plate. Smile!

   Have a great Venerdi and be careful when you are out and about.

Ciao..... Jessie and Elise

Susie, how are you guys doing? Yes, I will post the pictures soon.

Liz, how are you? 

Sandy, how are you doing?

Erika, what is up for the weekend?

Monna, have a good weekend?

Rosie, how are you doing?

Ross and Denise, have a good weekend.


Jessie said...

Hello Susie, how are you doing? I will post pics to the blog starting today if all goes as planned. How are things in Saudi?

Jessie said...

Buongiorno cara fidanzata! Quali sono I vostri piani per il fine settimana? Sta andando essere un occupato su per noi. Si, sono d'accordo con te che Alexa e stato davvero bello per me da quando siamo tornati dalla nostra crociera. Sono sicuro che lei cambiera il suo atteggiamento al piu presto. Avere un venerid meraviglioso!

Susie of Arabia said...

Hi Jessie - We are doing good here in Jeddah. We still have the AC on 24 hours a day though, and probably will through December. Please give my love to Elise.

Loraine said...

Farò i bagagli per le nostre vacanze alle Hawaii. Yippee!

Jessie said...

Hello Susie, good to hear all is well in Jeddah. 24 hour AC wow! I will let Elise know that you posted to our blog.

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