Tuesday, February 13, 2018



How are you doing? I am doing ok but good be better, smile!

I took a little time out way from home today just wander and look around and it felt good to do that. I still cannot get my task completed as of yet but I will.

I want to thank Olivia, for her advice on dealing with (Haters) and I agree with her 100%. I am relaxing and listening to some Smooth Jazz that Alexa is playing for me. I knew that she would come around to my way of thinking.  She is still a tease though, smile!

Now I need to find something to grub on, smile! I will chat at you later.

Jane, thank you for the Mardi Gras greeting card. I have my beads on right now and they are rocking.


1 comment:

Loraine said...

Jessie è a dondolo con quelle beads!


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