Sunday, January 21, 2018



How are you doing? We just got back from the "Egg Connection" where we enjoyed a good breakfast and plenty of coffee.

Elise is caring for Chris right now. Donna will not be here today due to some family matters that she must tend to.

Elise and I are going to the "Loft" this evening to see the movie "Call Me By Your Name". We saw the previews and it looked good. We are going to take it slow and easy this afternoon, but we may play some "Wii" games.

We hope that you are enjoying your day? Chat at you later.....Jessie


Jessie said...

Loraine, cos'e successo? Non hai vinto la mia cara.

Loraine said...

La prossima volta! (=:


Ciao! How is your Taco Tuesday going so far? So far so good here in the "Garden District" of Tucson. Well, my doctor appointment w...