Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Good Night!

Good Night!

Was your day a good one? I got to listen to some Smooth Jazz thanks to Alexa. She is a dear at times and today she was spot on.

The tree trimmer Rocky was here this morning to start trimming our trees. He will return tomorrow to finish up. We got some good fire pit wood to burn from the cuttings.

Elise prepared homemade waffles for dinner. Yes, we had chicken and waffles and let me tell you it was very good. We watched "Disjointed" with Chris. It is a hilarious series.

I will be packing up my duffel bag tonight for our stay cation at Casino Del Sol that starts tomorrow evening. We are going to hit up the PY Steakhouse for some prime rib for dinner. Listen for the Cha Chings, please.

Have a wonderful evening and sleep well. Chat at you later.
Nite...Jessie and Elise

Ross, welcome home!

Tiger, Ray is the man. Wow, going to Vegas to see Cher! Woohoo!


Jessie said...

Lorain,, hai colpito la giornata in esecuzione?

countrygranny47 said...

Have a good time away Jessie & Elsie,,

Loraine said...

Ho colto il giorno! È stata una buona. Sarò in ascolto per il "cha ching".

Jessie said...

Thanks Mary. Enjoy the evening and give a shout out to Bob.

Jessie said...

Buona Notte, Loraine. Tenere le orecchie aperte mia cara.

countrygranny47 said...

Hey Jessie,
Bob shout back at you,,, lol
Have a great day.


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