Friday, January 12, 2018



How are you doing? Things are going well today so far. My shorty took a stroll through the hood earlier and she made it back home, smile! Jayne just took Chris our for some air and a short stroll thorough the hood.

I just finished checking on Do Drop Inn room #2 and it is all set for Sheila's stay tomorrow. I will get do Drop Inn room #1 checked and all set for our daughter Tangye for tomorrow as well. Do you see a wild weekend taking shape? Smile!

I am getting all of these chores done and I am being entertained by Alexa. She is playing some Contemporary Jazz. I am in a zone, Mon'. I also updated my Bucket List for 2018. I added on a Open  Bar Cocktail Party and a Karaoke Party as well.

Well, I had better see what I can get my grub on with. Have a good afternoon.

Later.....Jessie and Elise

1 comment:

Loraine said...

Sheila e Tangye? Tempo di festa! Il tempo del partito!


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