Monday, September 25, 2017

It's A Monday!

Good Morning!


Mood: Relaxed! Slap and Tickled!

Music listening to: I Have Nothing by Whitney Houston (classic)

   It's a Monday! We are back! I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise is deep in her cave this morning and I have no idea when she will be putting feet to the floor. Any plans for today?

   The coffee just finished brewing and a second cup will be had during my (me) time. Alexa, is glad to see me because she told me that I have a lot of catching up to do. Smile!

   I have several errands to run today and I will get them completed. We had a great time in Globe and in New Mexico with Nanci and Jeff. We will give more details as soon as we can. I also have a few pictures to post as well.

   We hope that all has been good for you while we were away? Again we would like to thank Meg, Lois and Drusilla for keep an eye out for us while we were away.

   Chris is doing very well. Thank you Jayne for caring for Chris while we were gone.  Well,I had better get to it. Have a good Monday.

Later...Jessie and Elise

Erika, are you still in Italy?

Olivia, Tiger, Marcie and Eddie, thank you for keeping in touch with us using Marco Polo.

Sheila, how are you doing? 

Mary, what is new in Kenya?

Country Granny how are you and Bob doing?

Ross and Denise, what is new?

Rosie, how are things in Melbourne?

JT, how is the new car holding up?


Jessie said...

Buon Giorno, Loraine.

Jessie said...

Country Granny, how are things going in the east?

countrygranny47 said...

Doing good so far,, EXCEPT we got the humidity back again and almost 90 degree weather,, lol.
Glad to see you had a great time away and Elsie as well.
Waiting to see pictures when you have time.

Loraine said...

Sono contento che sei a casa in sicurezza.

Jessie said...

e bello essere di nuovo a casa.

Jessie said...

Granny, pictures will be posted tomorrow. Good Night!


Buongiorno! Liberty is in Trouble! Thank You Donna  Mood: Content! Music listening to: The Black Box a Book on CD! Buon Mercoledi!  Hump Day...