Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Good Night!

Good Night!

Was your day a good one?It has been a peaceful Tricky Tuesday.

Elise prepared breakfast for dinner. We enjoyed homemade blueberry pancakes, sausages and eggs. It was delicious.

We watched "Prison Break" on Netflix. It is a very good series with a lot of twists and turns. Chris loves it!

I am caring for Chris tonight and Elise is in her office on her desktop. Tomorrow we will be playing Mahjong here with Jayne. After Mahjong we are going to Village Inn for dinner.

Please keep a prayer going for my sister Marcie her husband Blake and their horses. Irma is heading toward Florida and it may make landfall in a few days. My sister is stocked with supplies to get them through. The biggest worry is the strong winds that come with this type of a storm.  A Cat 5 storm has very strong at 157 miles per hour or more. Not like Harvey. Please say a prayer for all. I will be in constant contact with my sister until this is all over. A worry is that another storm is following behind Irma.

Have a good evening and sleep well.
Ciao..Jessie and Elise


jessie said...

Buonanotte mia cara e bella signora.

Rosie said...

Prayers for Marcia and Blake

jessie said...

Thank you Rosie. How are you?

Loraine said...

Riposare bene, caro amico.

Rosie said...

Am well
Jessie. Had the dreaded virus that was in epedemic proportions here but am fit and well now. Am doing the pc class today after missing 3 weeks. Take care


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